Chapter 8 - Dangerous

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"Hello to you too."

I looked up, hearing a familiar voice, only to find familiargreen eyes staring down at me.

I felt my face contort from horror to shock and back to horror just in a matter of milliseconds as I came face to face with Aaron Greyson, his impulsive green eyes staring down at me.

I blinked at him and it took me a moment to register that he really was standing here.

"And we meet again." His velvet voice was laced with mocking as he looked and sounded slyly knowing.

I guess he could read the fear in my eyes because the smirk that broke out across his sinfully gorgeous face was slightly crooked and smug.

My mouth went dry as I continued to stare at him, perfectly incapable of speech.

My spine stiffened at the sight of him, warning bells ringing in my head, telling me to keep my guard up and do something quickly. My mind was completely blank but I did the only thing I can think of, I ran.

I slipped past him, not even caring where I was going. I practically raced to get far away from him.

The street was deserted and barren, I ran for a minute or so when suddenly my eyes caught a neon pink and blue OPEN sign in the window.

Without any second thought, I walked over to the door and pulled to open it. I almost lost my nerve when the door wouldn't budge, my heart was racing like crazy, I kept pulling and pulling it but I couldn't work out why it wouldn't open.

Then out of nowhere, a well manicured hand appeared on the door and gave it a gentle push, opening it without any effort.

I didn't needed to look up to know who it was but I did, only to find amusing green eyes. For a moment I stiffened with embarrassment when I realised the door said, 'Push', not 'Pull'.

Great! Now would be a good time for the earth to swallow me up.

Ignoring my embarrassment, I rushed inside, pushing my way through some people standing near the counter.

I crept into a small, black booth by the wall, flipped open the laminated menu and began to scan the items or more precisely, to hid my face with it.

My heart was thudding so fast that I thought it would jump out. I felt my body paralyzed with shock and fear.

What was he doing here? What was he doing here?

I was suddenly distracted by the warm smell of the fresh coffee. The cafe wasn't that crowded but it had enough people to come for my rescue if he tried to do anything. I should not be afraid...Right?

"What would you guys like to order?"

I peeked through the menu and my eyes stopped on the waiter, a red haired girl with a sprinkling of freckels across her face. I followed her line of vision and my eyes almost bulged out at what I saw.

Aaron was already sitting in front of me, watching me like an eagle.

"I-I don't know him." I exclaimed, panicking. The waiter moved her eyes and looked at me, frowning in confusion.

"A glass of water for a lady." A smooth, masculine voice said calmly.

"No! I don't want anything!" I snapped back, glaring at him but he seemed to find this deeply amusing.

"Erm...Take your time, I'll be right back" Waitress muttered bewilderedly, her eyes moving from my face to him as she walked back, perhaps sensing a increasing tension between us.

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