Chapter 4 - Kidnapped

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I want to say thanks to all the amazing people who voted and commented. I am really happy by your delightful response. Anyway, here's a Chaper 4. Hope u LIKE it ☺

And It was enchanting to meet you..All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you...

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go...I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

"Beautiful words."

I gaped at Marc in disbelief, who was nodding his head gently and enjoying the song with a small smile on his face. His blue eyes sparkling in delight.

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew...I was enchanted t-

Someone turned off the song abruptly. And that someone was none other than the Jerk, Aaron. I eyed him skeptically as he ran his hand through his hair, disarraying them casually and I was sure that he was just as aggravated and disturbed as Blake. Good!

If this would have been any other normal situation and If I would have been in my normal mood then I would have undoubtedly laughed at them. But it wasn't so, I just sat there avoiding their presence.

"Thanks man." - Blake appreciatively nodded at Aaron.

"Come on, Dude! I love that song, you can't do that." Marc whined like a child, looking hurt.

"Shut up Marc, When will you stop listening to that girly sh*t?" Blake replied, looking highly irritated.

"That ain't girly sh*t, that song is so romantic." Marc gushed excitedly. No one replied back, everyone ignored him like they're ignoring my presence, since I've been here.

Sitting on my left, Marc sighed defeatedly but then he turned towards me with a smile on his face and said - "You know that song expressed my feelings for you. It was enchanting to meet you...All I can say I was enchanted to meet you..."

I pulled a face at how ridiculous that was, while Blake snickered lightly.

After noticing my glaring, his expression changed and he asked me - "Are you ok?" Guilt in his eyes and a voice full of concern, I narrowed my eyes and continued to look at him blankly. Was he kidding me? right now, I'm anything but 'OK'

Ignoring Marc, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to stop myself from crying or more likely sobbing. When I opened them, I found a pair of green eyes staring back at me through the rear view mirror. His eyes deadpanned and vacant as he continued to look at me and I stared back in return, defiantly until he finally moved his eyes away, back on the road.

It was all his evil doing!

When he smugly announced that 'I was coming with them', I panicked and blurted out that I was lying. Without waiting for their reply I started babbling like crazy "It was a friend, Marissa NO, she's not a friend, she's a psycho and that idiot dared me to kidnap some random guy for an hour" I didn't mean to say her name, it sliped out and I couldn't care less. 

"I-I was kinda drunk and not myself, I didn't even knew what I was doing and then out of came-and then I-and you-It was too late to actually realize my actions. I was so scared that y-you're going to hurt me back or what if I got caught so I attacked again and then you fainted....well, so did I."

I finished my ranting and they all looked at me as if I was nutcase. I hoped that maybe, just maybe they'll believe me because I wasn't lying anymore. I'll try to explain more or even apologise and we'll talk like an adults but my all hopes shot to hell when Aaron broke the prolonged silence with "Let's get going."

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