Chapter 11 - Revenge is Sweet

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Kicking the door shut behind me, I walked into the living room, placing my keys on the coffee table as I passed by.

Unfortunately, I caught my foot on the corner of the coffee table which made me stumble and I found myself sprawled face down on the floor. Perfect. Can this day get anymore worse?

"Damn you, stupid table!" I cursed, feeling angry and frustrated.

A feminine laughter brought me out of my stupor, making me look up towards Mandy, who entered the living room wearing a loose t-shirt and flannel pants.

I silently grumbled, pushing myself into a sitting position noticing that my bag landed a few feet away from the coffee table. I slowly stood up and wiped my hands on my jeans.

"You look tired, Kiara. Rough day?" Mandy asked in concern.

Tired wasn't even word to describe what I was actually feeling right now. My shift or....more precisely, Lucy's shift that I covered as she was still with her mom, had just ended. She worked at the diner, just two blocks away from our apartment. Two hours, two long hours almost felt like an eternity. And not to mention, the place was already understaffed.

"I hate people." I muttered as I dove onto the couch, almost falling off yet again.

"Tell me something I don't know." Mandy replied back, always there to listen me whine.

"Don't tell me you were cooking?" I asked cringing, suddenly remembering how last time she tried to cook baked potatoes which actually ended up as burnt potatoes.

She smiled sheepishly - "Well, I tried but...I end up making a sandwich. You want one?"

Not bothering to open my tired eyes, I lazily nodded. My eyes felt droopy and weary and.....

I was on the cusp of an epiphany when a shrilling sound of the doorbell broke the spell of my sleepy stupor. Ignoring it, I tried to go back to the sleep, when I heard that shrill again.

I stood up lazily and headed to open the door. Yawning, I twisted the door knob but my yawning stopped in mid-way when two police officers came into my view.

"Are you Kiara Hastings?" One of the officer with a dark brown mustache asked in a very serious voice. I looked to his shirt to see the name 'Woody' on the tag.

"Yes. Is there a problem, Officer?" I asked, confused and wide awake.

"We would like to ask you a few questions." He did not looked pleased.

"I have no idea what you're talking about?" I asked, still confused.

Officer Woody shot me a dirty look, before speaking again - "We received an information that you are using physician unique identify to bill medicare for services that were never performed and in clinics that do not exist."

"I....What?" I said, dumbfoundely.

"What are you talking about?" Mandy exclaimed, suddenly charging in beside me.

Officer Woody eyed me suspiciously - "We've been informed that you are doing it under the identity of 'Dr. Hastings'."

Dr. Hastings?

And suddenly, the realization dawned on me.

Aaron f**king Greyson!

This was his revenge, no doubt about it. Dr. Hastings....that party incident.

That night, I slipped out of the party with a rather drunk Mandy. It's been four days since that incident and nothing happened. But now out of nowhere...this. I shake my head, disbelief winging through me.

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