Chapter 6 - Unexpected

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I woke up with a gasp when I felt the icy cold liquid splatters all over my face. Coughing, I jumped in shock as the cold water drenched me.

The cries of surprise at how cold it was could probably be heard several miles away.

I blinked furiously to clear my vision as my eyes adjusted to the view.

A scowl formed on my face with my now wet hair draping and some dripping in front of my face, water running down my cheeks.

Moving my hair out of my view, I looked up at the person who did this.

And I wasn't least bit surprised to see Aaron, who stood in front of me with an empty glass in his hand.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I screeched in outrage.

Ignoring me completely, he put the glass back on the table beside us.

My now wet shirt completely clinged to my body, causing me to shiver. I'm sure he did this on purpose. Oh! I know because of what I did before.

I looked up at him while wiping the water off my face with the back of my hand and blood rushed to my cheeks when I caught him staring at my chest.

Clearing my throat, I tug the clinging shirt down awkwardly in an attempt to move away his prying eyes.

Just as I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, he looked up straight in my eyes. His lips curled in a mischievous smile as his eyes wandered from my face to my chest then back to my face.

Resisting the urge to slap his face, I glared at him and he smirked not in the least bit fazed by my silent threat.

I'm sure my cheeks probably looked like a ripe tomatoes which resulted the tremendous amount of smirk on this perverted jerk in front of me. If looks could kill, he would be dead right now.

Running my fingers through my wet hairs that managed to escape from my bun, I looked around his bedroom in complete helplessness.

My heart sank when everything came back rushing to me. It hit me that it was the room I saw before I fainted. What happen after that? How long have I been out?

"Here." He cut into my thoughts as he held a glass of water in front me, eye brows raised in mockery.

I blinked twice, before raising my eyes to meet his gaze. My eyes flickered from his face to the glass then back to his face.

I lowered my gaze, taking in the jeans and t-shirt he wore now. He doesn't have a right to look this handsome, I wish he was just as ugly as his personality.

Ignoring his unsettling gaze, I took the glass from his hand. A shiver ran down my spine when our fingers brushed against each other ever so gently.

My mouth was so dry right now, I felt like I haven't had a glass of water in forever.

The cool liquid pouring down my throat felt extremely good and I downed the whole glass.

I can feel his gaze on me but I chose to ignore it. Lowering the glass, I set it back on the table with a thud.

Million of questions ran through my mind but I felt too tired to think about anything.

Suddenly, a pang of something close to regret shot through me for saying no to Blake's offer because right now I feel like I can probably do anything for food. I have to put aside my pride and ego, if I want to stay alive.

"So, I-I.."I cleared my throat as I can't seem to form the words I wanted to say.

"I-I'm hungry" I said finally, not meeting his gaze. I can't do this anymore...I want food to live and to escape.

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