Chapter 12 - Turning Tables...Or Maybe Chair ?

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'It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.'

No matter how much we avert the notion but some things are meant to happen, they are destined to be. And it appears that my destiny was to have lunch with these people. Not to mention, that this was one of the ridiculous reasoning anyone could ever come up with, but can you really blame me?

One of the gentleman, a short bald man repeated hesitatedly and I nodded vigorously but internally I cringed, finally catching the drift.

"Hastings, Kiara Hastings." Aaron proclaimed and I was taken aback by his cool and calm composure.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Hastings. I'm Bob, CEO of the Carter Groups Of Marketing & Management." He extended his hand towards me and you could actually see the proudness in his smile. I shook his prolonged hand as another gentleman introduced himself as well.

"I'm Jerry, Mr. Carter's executive assistant. Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Hastings." As he outstretched his hand toward me, I comprehend that, the oh-so-weird atmosphere that I had previously created had evaporated completely, leaving me bewildered.

Shaking Jerry's expanded hand, I gasp dramatically. I recoiled and hollered back my hand, startling Jerry who looked alarmed abruptly.

"Master doesn't like it when someone else touches me." I informed meekly, watching their face turn into pure horror. They stared at me incredulously, well If I could, I would stare at myself incredulously too.

Turning myself towards inflamed Aaron, I sheepishly whispered. "Forgive me, Master."

For a moment, he looked like a deer caught in the headlights but I studied how his poker face marred into clear irritation.

"Excuse me Bob, If you don't mind I have a little business to discuss with Ms. Hastings." His words were clipped while I roll my eyes at the sudden formality but can't help the satisfied smile pulling at my lips.

"Sure." Bob and Jerry, both nodded in acknowledgement, the look of horror pasted on their face didn't faltered away as they both headed towards the hostess, who I guess was already waiting for them. I could feel Aaron's piercing gaze burning a hole through me but decided to ignore it.

"Don't you think they're in the wrong line. They should do an ice-cream business, you know Bob & Jerry's.... like Ben & Jerry's." I stated casually but the look he sent me made it pretty clear that he didn't find it as amusing as me.

Well, I knew what was coming now.




And with narrowed eyes, he began. "What t—"

"Hush." In a flash, I cut him off and unconsciously placed my index finger on his lips, in a hasty attempt to shut him up.

Maybe I've just imagined it or something but I swear I felt him tense up when I touched him. A slight tingle ran down my spine at the contact. I felt a warmth, overtake my hand, letting my finger linger a second longer than normal and I was suddenly fascinated by his jaw, well-defined jaw which was peppered by a faint 5 o' clock shadow.

Mindlessly, I moved my lingering finger over his strong and rugged jawline, slowly tracing it, which felt sort of... funny.

"The f**k you're doing?"

Jolted, I pulled my finger away, finally comprehending my actions, stupid actions. No wonder he was looking at me as if I was a nut case.

I could feel the damn warmness spreading through my cheeks, making me ignore his intense gaze. Where was my brain when I needed it?

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