Chapter 5 - Insufferable

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Have you ever felt a desperate need to go back in time and change something? Something that you wish never happened...Something you wish you never did. Something unexpected that you may have never expected it. Well, that's the point of calling it 'unexpected'.

You just want to go back in time and warn yourself that no matter what, you will never do such thing or more like, never do anything that include Marissa.

Have you ever felt extremely angry and helpless, both at the same you want to do something but you just can't.

Yes, that's exactly how I feel right now!

I just want to punch myself for doing something ridiculous that Marissa suggested. How can I be so stupid ?

I was still in shock, Those accusations and insult made my blood boil in anger. I have absolutely no Idea how long I stood there, staring...glaring holes into the door, wondering If this was a dream.

In order to satisfy myself, I pinched my arm, now don't get me wrong I'm not masochist, I just need to make sure if this was real.

"Ow!" Ok, insane Kiara, no need to be so rude and pinch sane Kiara so harshly.

Wow, I sure sound like a nutcase.

I stared at the door again but my staring contest with the door broke when my stomach grumbled.

About three things I was absolutely positive. First, I was starving. Second, I needed a shower. And third, I needed a 12 hrs sleep.

Ok, This is not the time to quote like twilight, Kiara.

I want to brush my teeth so badly and I want to wash my face and I want to get out of these clothes and change into something comfortable and I want to eat pizza and I-

Ugh! Why me?

My tired eyes flickered towards the tray, resting on the table. The iced tea wasn't iced anymore but I felt a deep urge to drink that tall glass. At the sight of the delicious cookies, my stomach grumbled again, loudly.

No matter how much my body  protested but my pride wouldn't let me do anything.

One part of my mind was whispering to me that I should eat it, nobody's watching, no one cares. Those delicious delicacy were here for me but another part of my mind was screaming that no matter what, you're not going to have anything of these people.

At last, I listened to the screaming and very reluctantly, turned my gaze away from those tempting cookies.

Having anything of these people will make me accept the fact that I was kidnapped.

A thought crossed my mind. Mobile...where was my mobile? Ignoring everything, I searched for my mobile, in my pockets but stopped midway when I remembered that I left it with Mandy, thinking that It was not safe to keep mobile with me. Why am I so stupid?

I searched for the phone in the room but found nothing. Ok, What happened to the fact that these rich people are supposed to have at least one phone in each and every single room of their fancy mansion.

Suddenly, the door swung open breaking my train of thoughts.

Smiling Blake greeted me but his smile changed into a frown when he glanced around the room, noticing the broken pieces of vase and glass.

"Are you ok?" He asked me an inane question that I was in no mood to answer.

He frowned when I didn't reply back and tried again. "What happened?"

"Your egotistical, vile, douchebag and jerk-of-a-friend happened!" - This time I can't help snap at him, I was fuming in anger.

He didn't even flinch at my sudden loud tone and continued. "What exactly happened?"

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