Chapter 2 - WTF!

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I stir awake when I felt my head crash on to something hard and rigid. I tried to go back to the slumberland but the unbearable throbbing in my forehead made that pretty much impossible.

Did I fell off the bed again?

"Dude, she's awake."

I heard a male voice not so far away from me. A thud, then a silence.

I opened my eyes, blinking furiously to clear my dreamy vision as I slowly become aware of my surroundings. Groaning, I moved my head, apprehending that I was leaning onto something. My neck was stiff afflicting badly, maybe because of the position I was in. I felt light-headed and whirling, as If someone was hammering my brain, slowly enveloping me in dizziness.

I yawned mindlessly but my yawning stopped in midway and I frowned in confusion when I finally noticed that I was in ?


When did I started sleeping in the car ?


I don't even own a car...

The car was empty and I found myself sitting at the back seat. At this very moment, I wasn't exactly comfortable but somehow It felt cozy inside here. I don't know much about cars but anyone can tell when it's interior looked so damn fine and luxurious.

I shifted non-chalantly feeling acutely uncomfortable in my skinny jeans. I naturally moved my hand in an attempt to massage my throbbing forehead when I suddenly comprehend that I couldn't move my hands at all, they were tied behind my back with, what felt like a rope.

What the actual f**k!

Last thing I remember, was....Oh . my . god!

Oh my effing god!

Was he dead?

My very first instinct was to scream but, what if whoever brought me here breezed in and put me to death. Alarmed, I gulped back the lump in my throat and started to freak out mentally, blinking back the tears that were slowly starting to form in my eyes.

This was all my fault! Drunk and stupid me shouldn't have listened to my friends. I'm going to kill that psycho b*tch, Marissa.

Reposing, I tried to move my hands again but felt the rope scratching back on my wrists.

Suddenly, someone opened the back door and as I was seated on the left side so I automatically leaned back on it in a defensive way.

"Hey beautiful. That's your name, right ?"- A guy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes grinned at me. I blinked blankly, observing the dainty dimple formed on his face when he smiles. It was the same male voice I had heard before.

"Who are you ?"- I questioned anxiously.

"So, she's finally awake...Huhh!"- Another head with golden locks popped up beside the dimple guy and his creepy hazel eyes ran over me recklessly.

"Who are you? And why am I here?" I raised my voice and narrowed my eyes.

"Now, that's a very interesting question you asked ? Don't worry, you'll find out....very soon." - The one with the hazel eyes said with an evil smile that I didn't like.

"Isn't she adorable, Adam?" Dimple guy asked to the 'Adam'.

"Yeah and hot too."- Adam smirked lustily and I cringed internally, not liking the way this Adam was talking.

Did they kidnapped me? Judging by their looks and clothes, they didn't look like a kidnappers. Wait, what do I know about kidnappers?

Adam was staring at me as If I was a piece of meat and dimple guy was staring at me as If I was a newborn baby.

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