XX - A prince without a crown (IV)

Start from the beginning

- Too late... He's Ma Ning, an old acquaintance of mine. -

- Oh, my precursor! It's a real pleasure to meet you. Let's be informal, shall we? -

  Ning was taken aback by the arrival of that strange individual, especially in seeing how confident young man turned to his old friend, who knew had always been reluctant to certain things. He shifted his gaze to Shen and then back to Zhao, feeling a little uncomfortable. Ning hesitated from shaking hands, above all because he didn't understand Zhao's joke, but it would have been rude to stay still, so Ning could do nothing but respond to greeting.

- Precursor? -

- Shen Wei's first friend ever. Off the record, I think we're the only human beings who have ever managed to approach this wild creature, we should get a medal. And you, being the first ever, you're basically a hero! -

  Did he really say it? Shameless! That speech was so embarrassing Shen barely rested from answering in kind. Had they been alone, he would have done it, but in Ning's presence Shen couldn't and it irritated him. He tried not to think about it.

- Don't listen to him. He's Zhao Yun Lan and we're just simple acquaintances. -

- He does this all the time. -

  At that point, Shen gave him a rather eloquent look, but Zhao didn't notice, because professor's old friend spoke to him, rather hesitantly. Ning continued to look tense, even more than before. Shen didn't remember Ning ever had trouble making new encounters, in fact, now that he thought about it, Ning reminded him of chief detective, always saying what he really felt out of the side of his mouth. But evidently time changed him too.

- Zhao Yunlan? You are... -

  Here we go again! It wasn't really his day, Zhao thought, looking away for a moment. Shen glanced at him secretly: he should have imagined Ning would ask the same question everyone was asking, but since Zhao didn't even have to be there, Shen couldn't divert the conversation in time. Fortunately, detective acted like nothing happened.

- The one and only! But let's not talk about me. Why don't we go and get a beer, so you can tell me some of our professor's secrets?! -

- Don't make him uncomfortable, he doesn't know you. -

- That's what beer is for! -

- You have nothing better to do? -

  The scene in front of him was something completely new to Ning. The small squabble and the exchange of defiant glances and veiled threats made him smile. He didn't remember ever seeing Shen behave that way, maybe just with him, but the attitude was still different. Ning looked at Zhao for a moment, as if trying to understand something: Zhao was a bizarre type, he didn't look like a team leader at all; to be honest, he didn't even look like a policeman, but even if Ning didn't know him personally, something in Zhao made him uncomfortable. Shen noticed Ning lingering on detective's figure, as if he had a very specific image in mind, to which he was devoting his attention. Ning felt observed and crossing his gaze with professor, he lowered his eyes for a moment. Shen squeezed his own for a moment, as if trying to focus on the reason for that strange behavior.

- A beer would be a blast right now, but unfortunately I've a commitment, so... -

- Next time, than! Professor Shen has your number, right? -

- No and he's not forced to give it to me. -

- Oh no, no problem! -

  Ning seemed to recover suddenly: Zhao found himself with the pile of colored folders in his hand and glanced almost amused at Shen, who looked puzzled at Ning, as Ning searched for his business card in all possible pockets, with some curses. In the end, respective business cards were exchanged, Ning recovered his files without really thanking Zhao for the effort and he smiled at Shen.

- Now I really have to go. It was a pleasure to see you again, Wei. -

- Me too. -

  That sudden change in attitude was a bit strange, but professor wasn't too surprised: he thought he saw the authentic Ma Ning again and to be called by first name after all those years, it made him very pleased. Shen smiled amused when he saw Ning wave his hand across the street and risking to drop the paperwork in his hand again. A rather suspicious behavior regarding Zhao, who was watching Ning, while waving his hand towards him, before Ning disappeared around the corner. That guy seemed to have a strange ascendancy over professor and for some reason, Zhao their confidence was a little annoying.

- Wei... -

- It's Shen Wei for you! -

  What- How could he change so much so easily? Did he have a built-in switch? He didn't even give Zhao time to finish the sentence! Not that there was anything else, but... So strange. Zhao curled his mouth to one side, put hands in pockets and tilted his torso slightly forward to look at Shen from the bottom up with a mischievous expression.

- Not fair, do you have preferences? -

  That abrupt turn around and Shen's eyes on him, without saying a word, gave Zhao quite a scare. He straightened up in no time and took a step back, for safety. That raised eyebrow in a dominant expression was not good. Why did Shen keep staring at him?? Zhao didn't like it when Shen stared at him, it intimidated him. How could a person have such power over someone with a single glance?? Zhao's lips stretched into what wanted to be a bold smile, but it only turned into a slightly terrified grimace.

- What happened? -

  That tone of voice made Zhao's hair stand on the back of his neck and a bewildered look was painted on his face. Without looking away, Shen pointed to Zhao's left arm. Zhao had almost forgotten the incident at the bay. He could finally catch a breath and he got the chance to change the atmosphere. He beamed.

- Ah, battle wounds! You'll hear about it on the news. But I could kick a former academy buddy and it's been a thin slice of heaven! Although the atmosphere was ruined by the fact that I had to leave my precious motorcycle in Chu's custody and come here with Uncle Li's clunker, the midget as the driver, by the way. It's humiliating! -

- Pleased to hear it. I have to go to school. If you'll excuse me... -

  How kind...

- Hey, wait! At what time should I come tomorrow? Me going around with a taxi, tsk! -

- I finish at 4pm. Not a minute before, not a minute later. Stay out! -

- Yes, sir! -

  Pandering. It was the best thing to do. Zhao would like to avoid another professor's glance, he always had time to mind Shen's business, asking him who that Ma Ning was that Shen seemed to find so nice and funny. What's he got better than Zhao? Zhao cracked his tongue and scratching the back of his neck, going back to an amused Da Qing.

- Watch and learn how to be dumped! -

- He didn't dump me, he has to go to class, of course. -

- Yeah, sure. That guy really has the patience of a saint. Or he's very stupid. -

- Hey, be respectful to those you don't know! Let's go. -

- - -

Ma Ning (Kevin Kam-Yin Chu)

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Ma Ning (Kevin Kam-Yin Chu)

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