Sanem: The end and the beginning!

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Erkenci Kus ended with a bang... like an explosion that went off earlier than planned, leaving a mess in all directions. More Accurately, leaving untold stories behind begging for completion. In the world of Fan Fiction, anything is possible. So, let's spin a few webs and tell a few tales. We pick up this story in the middle of the last episode of Erkenci Kus, and change what was, to what could  have been.

Sanem is leaving Istanbul to follow her dream of The Galapagos. From here we can take this story anywhere we want it to go. Let me hear from you and let's write...

Sanem is leaving for the Galapagos.

          She has finally had enough and her heart is completely shattered

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She has finally had enough and her heart is completely shattered. After all the obstacles she and Can had been through and triumphed over, this was the unexpected. He did not remember her...

And,  it seemed he did not want to remember. So she will go, and follow her dream of becoming an important writer, and living in the Galapagos. She will pour her heart into a new and tragic novel in peace and solitude.

She has also finally had enough of the interference of other people. Yes, they loved her and tried to protect her, but they did not understand her.  Never had she imagined such pain could exist as she thought of Can's empty eyes looking at her like a stranger. That was the worst of it. He had always looked at her with such longing, with passion, and with love that reached all the way to her soul.

Now she sat on the rocks by the sea, where she and Can had spent many defining moments together, for one last good-bye before she leaves.  It seemed only fitting to spend her last moments here, alone, before it was time to catch her flight. To begin again, a new life.

Emre prayed Can would take his call

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Emre prayed Can would take his call. He breathed a sigh of relief as Can answered his phone. He told him that Sanem was leaving, but he could find her on their rocks by the bay.

The moon was bright and high in the sky, causing tiny crystals of diamonds to sparkle on the water. The air was fragrant with blooming flowers mixing together with the salty air. The sea blew a gentle breeze to dance through Sanem's hair, lifting shiny tendrils to dance about her head as she rested her chin on her knees, with her arms wrapped about her legs as she stared out across the water. Tears ran freely down her face as her thoughts swirled together through her photographic memory, tormenting her mind. Visualizing clearly every moment with Can, from the first kiss in the dark on the balcony of the Opera House, brought together as if by fate, connected like a magnet that pulled its mate to snap together, making it almost impossible to pull apart.

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