Chapter 23

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Marcus lets out a high pitched scream as I thunder towards him. He tumbles backwards onto his butt and shuffles back in a desperate attempt to get away from me. He doesn't get very far before I reach him and wrap a massive paw around his throat. I try picking up by the throat, but find I am unable to get a proper grip. Damn paw with a lack of opposable thumbs. I suppose there had to be a downside and in that moment, I decide I prefer my lycan form to this one.

Don't get me wrong, if I want to evoke fear into my enemies, I will use this form. The sheer size of this body scares even me. It's just more practical to use my lycan from if a wanted to, say, grip some scumbag werewolf against the wall by his throat.

Instead of picking him up though, I decide to apply pressure to his neck. His eyes bulge and he begins to slap at my paw, desperately trying to breath. I wanted to keep applying pressure just to watch the life drain from his eyes, but Mark's hand materialises on my paw. His hand looks pathetic next to mine and he has no chance of stopping me if I choose I want to kill him.

"Ester let him go," he grunts. I growl and ignore him, until he says desperately, "please". I growl again but move my paw away, allowing Marcus to take a giant intake of breath before slipping into unconsciousness. I pull myself up to my full height and shuffle backwards, glaring at Mark. He ignores me and stoops over Marcus's still form. I wasn't going to kill Marcus anyway, even if Mark hadn’t interfered. He has information I need about my parents and Valentine.

"He's alive but unconscious." I roll my eyes. Everyone standing here could probably hear his heart beating and from the lack of movement they could assume he is unconscious. I'm glad I'm not in my human form because I wouldn't be able to refrain from saying something.

"What do you want to do with him Alistar?" he asks the other alpha, who is still staring at me in shock. After a moment, the old alpha shakes himself and turns his gaze to Mark. "It's okay. I'll handle him. Breakwick. Simpson. Take my son down to the car. I'll deal with him later."

Two of the werewolves who were with Marcus step forward and stalk towards Marcus. I had completely forgotten about the other wolves, but I spring into action before they are able to reach Marcus. The two werewolves jump back with a look of horror on their faces as I position myself between them and Marcus and allow a deep growl to build in my chest.

"What are you doing?" Mark yelps. I ignore him at first, choosing instead to bare my teeth and snarl, which causes the two wolves to turn a shade paler then white. After a moment, I decide the wolves aren't going to chance coming closer and answer Mark's yelp.

"He has information I need Mark. Information about my parents and the ones who killed them." He remains silent for a moment, before nodding. "Ester wants your son to remain here until he wakes up. She believes he has information that she needs," he says to Alistar. Alistar gives Mark a strange look but tells his wolves to back off. They obey without question and scuttle further away from me than they needed too.

Alistar returns his gaze to me and his eyes widen. He hesitates before saying, "that is most impressive. I hope you don't mind me asking but what else can you do?" I stare at him. It is a very interesting question. I wonder if I can change into anything else. What if I can? Does that mean I can fly? I can swim miles under the sea without having to surface?

Soft laughter fills my head. "You are very inquisitive. The answer is yes. You should be able to shift into other creatures. As for the flying, it may take some practice."  I can't help that spreads over my face. Although, I think my grin doesn't quite look like a grin because Alistar takes a step back, his hands raised in front of him. I only roll my eyes at him and ask Taini how I would go about shifting into different things.

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