Chapter 30

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When I open my eyes the next morning, the first thing I see is a stuffed wolf. I squint my eyes in confusion and soon realise it's only Diago; a suffed toy given to me by Mark's father Jeremy when I first got here. Unfortunately, Jeremy was killed by a rival pack a few years later and Mark was forced to take on the role of alpha. He took it on and did a very good job, which surprised the older more "wise" wolves, who believed that he wouldn't be able to protect his new position.

I stroke Diago's ear softly and sigh. After a second, I realise that the surface below me is hard. I look around blearily and notice that I'm lying on the floor, partly under my bed, sprawled on my stomach. How did I get here? I went to be...I must've fallen out. I strain to remember whether I woke up through the night or not and after staring suspiciously at my bed and gaining no answers, come to the simple conclusion that I fell out and simply didn't wake up. Come on Ester. Not everything is a conspiricy. Just most things.

With a sigh I pull myself to my feet and look atthe clock. 8:40. Plenty of time to get washed and dressed. Well, plenty of time for me anyways.

"Ester we need to talk!," Skylar bawls. I flinch. What could she possibly want to talk to me about? I ask her but she doesn't respond. With another sigh, I toss Diago onto the bed and stroll into my toilet. The minute I turn the tap there are a series of knocks on my door. Two guesses as to who it is.

"Come in Sky. I'm just in the toilet. Be out in a sec," I yell. I hear my door open and close again followed by the soft sound of my bed groaning as someone settles down on top of it.

I finish washing and brushing my teeth and open the door too see a rather excited looking Skylar. I frown at her suspiciously. Anyone who is this happy and upbeat in the morning is either high or crazy. With Skylar, it's probably the latter.

"What happened between you and Mark," she practically explodes with excitement. Is it really that obvious? How can she possibly know...? There's no way that she can know for sure that something happened. I glance at her again. She's practically bouncing up and down with excitement. Yep, she knows.

"You seem to be awfuly cheery for this time in the morning. What's going on?" I don my best to keep my face passive as I walk over to my cupboard and pull out a pair of jeans and a shirt. She doesn't answer me and I feel my face beginning to heat up. I quickly move towards my drawers and pull out a pair of underwear and a bra with my back to her.

"What happened between you and Mark?" she asks again, only louder. I groan and after a brief hesitation, give her a quick rundown of what happened.

"Then he told me he loved me and I told him how I feel. That's all that happened."

She beams at me but I shy away from her gaze. I don't like talking about myself, evn to my friends. "Oh dude. Finally. You and Mark have been tip-toeing around each other for years. Now that you've both admitted your feeling for one another, you can both move on. You know, maybe become mates and have some mini Esters or Marks running around. Of course that would require you and Mark to have...."

I throw my arms up into the air with a cry. This is not a conversation I want to have with her. Ever. She just laughs at my discomfort. "Seriously though," she continues. "I'm glad you two have finally admitted what we've all know for years."

I roll my eyes at her as I pull on my clothes and do my best to change the subject. "What classes do you and I have today?" A thoughtful look passes over her face.

"Well, this morningwe have double IT with Lucas. Then you, Harley and Starr have double maths while Lucas, Alex and myself have a free period." She sings the last few words and I growl at her. Lucky swine. "Then we have music last two. I actually think that's the only class we're all in together."

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