Chapter 12

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My stomach grumbles as we crawl along the ground surrounded by tall grass. A large herd of deer are grazing peacefully in a clearing, totally relaxed. We made sure to be downwind so the deer wouldn't smell us and run before we even got close. As much as I love a good chase, my roaring stomach wouldn't be able to handle it. I just want food.

We reach the edge of the grass and I poke my head out slightly, running my eyes over the herd. There. Just outside the herd, an old doe lumbers carelessly around the underbrush. An easy kill, but, again, I'd rather have an easy kill than a chase. Plus, I can't be bothered chasing a deer for miles.

"That one," I grunt at Mark. He follows my gaze and snorts when he sees the pathetic, half-blind doe. He doesn't say anything about my choice. He only nodes then motions for me to move aside so we can get slightly closer.

I bare my teeth in a smile and slowly begin to edge around the herd towards the old doe, careful to remain hidden behind the long-grass. My stomach growls in anticipation, threatening to reveal our presence. I do my best to silence it, and it stops with one final irritated growl.

Wow, I'm pretty hungry. "Are you sure you want that one? It looks old and slow and won't provide much of a chase." I only raise my eyebrow at him. Wow. He is pretty stupid. "Yes Mark. That's the point. My body needs to be fed and I don't think I will be able to run after a deer because I still kind of feel weak."

He lowers his ears at me slightly, as if the bear mention of how hurt I was hurt him. We have stopped not too far away from our prey and I turn to face him fully. I rub my face against his, licking his muzzle. "Mark. I'm fine, just getting back on my feet. It was only a few hours ago and you can’t expect my body to recover at lightning speed, now can you?" I lick his muzzle again, reassuring him that I am fine.

Usually I love the chase, but I can feel my body’s weakness from the venom, so I guess the kill will have to be enough. Mark puffs in my face, his warm breath rushing over my face. He rubs his face along mine in return and nudges me slightly. "I'll circle to the other side of the doe and draw it towards you, and then you can take the kill."

I nod at him, before he makes his way around me, ensuring he hits my side with his tail. I growl at him and he runs away, laughing quietly in my mind. Shaking my head, I turn back to the herd, looking for my prey. I spot her, grazing further away than I last looked. Hopefully Mark will be able to draw the once proud beast towards me without much trouble.

Until that moment comes, however, I allow my mind to wander aimlessly. Once again, I find my gaze being pulled towards the full moon hanging in the sky. I sigh, my breath coming out as a light mist, floating up in the air before disappearing. I feel at peace and safe in these woods, as I know them so well. 

This relaxed feeling cracks slightly as the feeling of something watching me creeps over me. A huge, black shape crosses over the moon, but when I blink, it's gone. Hmm. Strange. No way was there actually something up there; it was too large to be a bird, so the venom must still be playing with my mind. I hope.

"Get ready Ester. I'm about to reveal myself to the deer and draw the female towards you," Mark grunts, instantly snapping me from my thoughts. My eyes refocus just as a ripple of fear surges through the herd. I spot Mark, skipping around them, playfully snapping at their hoofs.

They all begin to run in the opposite direction, but somehow, Mark manages to separate the old doe from the rest of the herd and draw it towards me, snapping at her ankles. The poor beast bays in fear, trying desperately to escape. Its suffering will be over soon.

Almost. I lower my body, getting ready to pounce, my ears flat against my head. Almost. Almost. Now. My body flies from cover, colliding full-on with the doe. The poor creature never saw it coming, being blind with fear. I drag the beast to the ground, my huge jaws closing around it's throat. I twist my head, snapping the doe's neck instantly. It's body twitches a few times, before it relaxes as the life leaves it.

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