Chapter 26

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Mark lets out a soft growl. "This was a perfect moment. Why oh why did Marcus have to wake up now?!" He growls again in frustration. I can't help but chuckle at his face. He's so cute!! He growls playfully at me but I just lick his muzzle and take off into the trees before he can react.

Behind me Mark growls and begins his pursuit. He has no chance of catching me though. I got a head start and to be perfectly honest, I'm a faster runner than he is. Always have been. Always will be. The sound of his paws against the ground slowly fades away and I let out a howl of pure joy.

I continue running; loving the feeling of the wind in my face. My eyes turn to slits and I open my mouth wide, allowing my tongue to roll out. I must look absolutely ridiculous but who cares? I'm having great fun.

All too soon I sprint from the trees and head towards the school. Dominic is standing by the door, patiently holding it open for us. Mark is still nowhere in sight so I stoat towards Dominic at my own pace. He only raises an eyebrow at me.

"I apologise if I interrupted you and Mark but I thought you would like to know the moment that Marcus woke up. Especially since he seems to know so much about Valentine and Garbaroth." I can see amusement in his eyes but there is also a hidden emotion under it. Worry. He is genuinely worried about interrupting Mark and I.

Instead of walking past him, I stop in front of him and nudge him gently with my head. "That's okay Dominic. You were right to interrupt us. I did want to know as soon as Marcus woke up. Thank you for telling me."

He nods his head at me and I return the gesture. Dominic earned my respect many years ago when he risked his life for the pack. He managed to lead a group of hunters away and thanks to him; the lives of Mark and a few others were saved from their blades.

The 'hunters' are a group of deranged humans who believe they are doing God's work. They believed that those who weren't human where sent by the devil to destroy them. To them, the supernatural community was something impure; something to be eradicated. You know because humans are so perfect and pure (note the sarcasm). Last I heard all the hunters were destroyed in a great war. In fact I believe Garbaroth was the one responsible for their destruction, though I have no idea why.

"You had better get going. Mark isn't far away." I look at Dominic with confusion; my mind still on the hunters. Realisation dawns just as Mark crashes though the trees. He spies us and begins to sprint in our direction. I let out a high pitched yelp before turning and running into the building. Dominic's loud laughter echoes behind me but I ignore him as I sprint up the stairs.

I shove my room door open roughly and walk inside, shoving it closed again with my back paw. Huffing, I move to the centre of the room and quickly shift back into my human form. I stand for a few minutes and debate on whether I should go for a shower but quickly decide against it. I want to speak to Marcus as soon as possible.

I shove on some randomly selected clothes and head out the door. As I close my door, Mark's door opens and he steps out. He gives me a smirk and a wink but I only roll my eyes at him. He is such a child!!

"Come on, trouble. We have to go and discover what Marcus knows," I laugh. He nods his head and we head towards the stairs. We both remain silent; though it is a rather comfortable silence. We both have a lot to think about. I mean, we've just basically announced our love for one another. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to wrap my brain around this rather obvious revelation.

Wait. My friends. Son of a...!!! They knew!! They knew and they never said anything!!! Or maybe they did and I was just too stubborn to listen to them. Probably the latter. I'm the first to admit that I can be...stubborn at times. But now that we've declared our *ahem* love, what now?

Howling Fury (Book 1) (Being Edited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon