Chapter 38

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AN: Hey all. This is the final chapter of this story (unless I write an epilogue) and I hope you enjoy it. P.s If you want me to write an epilogue drop a comment and I'll think about it. Enjoy!!

Yale's POV

"Come on Yale. We'll get you upstairs and you can have a rest," Skylar soothes me. I grunt in response, too exhausted to do anything else. She has an arm wrapped around my back and another around my waist and is practically carrying me up the stairs.

I ignore her and everything around me, choosing to close into myself. To keep my mind off my mate I think about what Ester told me. She's leaving the pack and for some reason has decided not to inform her friends. But then why did she tell me if she isn't going to be taking me with her? And why is she leaving now, at the worst possible time? Mark has just lost a close friend as have her friends and yet she has refused to speak to anyone besides me.

I continue to ponder Ester's behaviour as Skylar leads me to a door. She awkwardly opens it and with a grunt hauls me inside. I'm carried towards a bed against one of the walls where Skylar gently lays me down. Something catches my attention as she draws away from me. A strange drumming sound.

I look around until my eyes come to rest on Skylar. The vein in her neck pulsates hypnotically and I'm unable to look away. I lean towards her slightly and something sharp digs into my bottom lip. I realise with detached amusement that I've dug my own teeth into my lip.

She hasn't even noticed me moving closer. Such easy prey. "Skylar," a voice whispers gently. I ignore it. "I think it might be best if you leave and return to your pack."

Skylar stiffens and turn her head to look at the newcomer. The movement breaks my eye contact with what I know realise is a blood vessel in her neck and I push myself away from her with a grunt, too exhausted to do anything else.

"Demetri? You startled me. When did you get back?"

I twist my neck and see Demetri standing in a corner, his arms folded and body tense. Despite the fact that he is looking at Skylar I have an uncomfortable feeling that all of his attention is on me. "I'm sorry I startled you," he apologises. "I have only just arrived back. I came as soon as I heard what happened with Lucas. Now you must go back to Mark and continue the ceremony. I will stay here and care for Yale."

Skylar looks slightly hurt at his words and he sighs. "Please child. I understand that you are his friend but he is a vampire." I see her body stiffen and she opens her mouth to object, a look of anger hot on her face. Demetri raises his hands. "You misunderstand. I do not mean that he being a vampire should stop you from being his friend but he is a new vampire. And new vampires need a lot of blood to stay alive. That is why I left so much. I doubt he has even fed since his mate's death. It is not safe for you right now. I know Yale would never forgive himself if something were to happen to you, especially if he were the one who caused you harm. I promise I will fetch you when he is better."

Skylar relaxes slightly and shoots me a look full of concern and more than a hint of fear. She nods at Demetri before turning and leaving the room.

Once gone Demetri moves towards a small cabinet, keeping his eyes on me and moving slowly. I watch him carefully and shift uncomfortably as I realise what just happened. I almost attacked Skylar. I caught sight of her neck and it was as though she was no longer a person, no longer my friend. Just food. I feel sick.

I groan and Demetri looks at me, still continuing with his task. "I almost went after her," I whisper, horrified. "For a split second all I saw was the blood. I wanted to tear out her throat and bathe in her blood." I choke and feel tears fall down my face.

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