Chapter 5

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Yale's POV

My arm is bleeding and the world is spinning around me. The tingling sensation in my body has spread through my entire body and my vision is obscured by odd little white lights. I blink my eyes rapidly but the lights stay where they are. My weapon is on the floor below the pipe I am standing on after the creature threw it away. I groan in desperation, my only protection within sigh but not within reach. After it pulled the knife from its eye and rushed me it managing to latch its jaw around my arm. The only way I could think of to make it let me go was by sticking my fingers into the bloodied mass that was it's eye. It let me go pretty quickly and backed off. So now here we are, watching one another for a sight of weakness. I can't help but feel a surge of panic. This thing is pretty hard to kill. It has a missing eye and  it still seems ready to come at me. Whereas I have a wounded arm and already feel like I'm going to pass out. I suppose it could be worse. I could look like that thing.

As if the thing heard the though it snarls and lunges, it's gnarled hands reaching out to grab me. Crap. I can't seem to move. Fear has gripped my body in it's cold hand and is slowly pulling me closer to death. I'm going to die and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I didn't tell anyone I was coming here so no one will even look twice if I disappear. Well, perhaps one person will notice. I close my eyes, deciding to take the cowardly approach to the end and await my death. A crunch echoes, then a shriek and a thud, then the silence congeals around us.

After a few moments of deathly silence a warm breath encompass my face. Soft panting breaks the silence and I open my eyes. I meet the most beautiful pair of bright blue eyes I have ever seen. It reminds me of the purest of oceans, with the sun reflecting off the surface; despise the lack of light in this dark and dingy place.

The lycan before me tilts its head slightly before shifting its gaze to peer behind me. I look around to see what it is staring at before I notice the clothes. Realisation dawns. "Of course. You're that girl who saved me. You're a lycan"

She flicks her ear at me and snorts softly, no doubt commenting on my apparent lack of observation skills. To be fair I was almost killed by some kind of monster. I make a small noise as I realise how close to death I just came. That thing was going to eat me, though it looked pretty surprised when I fought back. I suspect its surprise is the only reason I'm still alive.  The lycan frowns at me but I ignore her. I turn my back to her and bundle the cloths into my arms. "Umm. I guess you will want these back?"

It looks as though she raises an eyebrow but it's difficult to tell, you know with the fur covered face. Her hand slowly creeps out until it's directly in front of my own. I find myself unable to draw my gaze away from it. It has to be over three times the size of my own, each finger tipped with long deadly looking claws. Any one of those long sharp claws can cut me wide open without much effort.

She growls impatiently and I shudder, carefully placing the clothes into her hand. Soft fur scraps across my hand and when I look down I see it covered on blood. "Oh my god. Are you ok?" 

I notice a huge gaping hole in her neck oozing blood at an unnatural pace. That clearly isn't healthy. I served some time in the army and saw men dying of lesser wounds. "You have to let me have a look at that."

She instantly pulls away from my outstretched hand and another growl comes from deep within her chest. I slowly lower my hand and take a step back. "Ok. Ok. I'll leave you alone to change but you have to be careful. Lycan or not you can still die from blood loss."

I turn my back to her and look around. The bodies of dozens of those little creatures lie below the pipe we are on. I notice the massive ugly one lying facedown with a massive hole it its back. My stomach wrenches at the sight and I look quickly away. The smell is so awful I feel like I am going to throw up. Something catches my eye and I feel my heart swell with excitement. My camera.

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