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Ok this took me longer than I expected. It was surprisingly hard to write this; decided whose POV it was to be in, what was to be in it, etc. I hope this is good enough becuase I didn't really want to give too much away :)

Ester’s POV:

Pushing all of my emotions to the back of my mind I watch the massive throng of wolves gathering below. All of their faces hold the same range of emotions; fear, sorrow and even anger. Not that I can blame them, after what I did. After what I was forced to do.

I shy away from those thoughts. No point in lingering on things that can’t be changed now. I shake my head fiercely and do my best to ignore the burning in my eyes.

The wind tears through my hair and I shiver slightly. Not from the cold however. After what I have just done, standing on a church roof to observe the funeral of someone I am responsible for killing doesn’t seem very appropriate. Or perhaps that's just me.

“You did what you had to do.” I jump at the voice and glare at Ariel, who smiles at me. His smile, I notice, doesn’t actually reach his eyes. His boyish charm seems to have disappeared and a small part of me can’t help but mourn its loss. Foolish? Perhaps but I can’t help the way I feel. “There was no other way to protect the others.”

A lump forms in my throat and I nod my head slowly, not trusting my voice to be able to hide my emotions. No doubt he knows how I feel; he is an angel after all, but I feel a little better if I believe no one knows how I feel.

Ariel remains silent, not even bothering to comment on my lack of clothing and we just watch the events below. A beautiful black hearse rumbles up a small road heading towards the crowd. Two more follow behind and everyone’s attention is instantly drawn to them.

The three vehicles come to a slow stop and a group of men step forward. I watch as a beautiful black coffin is removed from the car and six men rest it on their shoulders, three supporting either side. Domenic, Demetri and Yale are among them, both of them wearing black suits and support grim faces as they carry Mark’s coffin.

From the other two cars come a brown and white coffin, each of which is supported by six wolves. Brandy and her father being laid to rest alongside their alpha. I don’t believe Brandy deserves such a service. She was a traitor who decided to side with a madman rather than protect her pack. Her father though was a good man. Despite his daughter’s attitudes, he always went out of his way to protect her. That is an admirable trait; to protect those you love no matter what they do.

“Your opinion of Brandy is rather harsh. You do not know what she intended to happen when she helped Garbaroth. Helping him may have been the only way she saw to protect the pack. She may have believed that you were, in a way, a threat. By leaving the pack they would quickly fall of the dragon’s radar and he would leave them alone.”

I give him a look and raise my eyebrow at his comment. “Brandy lived to protect only one thing. Brandy. She had absolutely no interest in the pack, only in elevating her own status. Which is why she pursued Mark despite the obvious fact that we…”

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