Chapter 20

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Ester's POV

"Is it good news or bad?" Sklar asks, excitment and fear both lacing her voice.A small smile plays on my lips because I already know that it is beyond good news. The six of us, Alex, Starr, Harley, Skylar, Mark and myself all pause outside Mark's door. Mark turns and nods softly at us before stepping forward and rapping the door. I roll my eyes. It's his office and yet he still chaps the door as if asking for permission to enter. I suppose he wanted to ensure that both Lucas and Yale were prepared to tell us the big news and I could't help the happiness which swelled within my heart. He is such a lovely person.

"Now, thing are a little strange but you all must bear with us, ok," he says, worry etched into his voice as he looks at me. Everyone nods but I just raise an eyebrow at him. I already know that Yale is now a vampire and is also now mated with Lucas, so why doesn't he just come out and say it? He pauses another moment and then grunts. "Ok. I think we are all ready to go in now." 

He pushes open the door, even though I heard no reply about us coming in. Perhaps he was just warning the pair that we were entering and giving them enough time to compose themselves. Mark enters first and I follow close behind ,allowing my friends to pile in behind me.

Lucas and Yale are sitting side by side, their hands intertwining. Demetri is pearched on the very edge of Marks chair, looking nervous and slightly out of place. When he sees us enter, he is quickly on his feet., so quickly in fact that my friends behind me just gasp. "Is that a vampire?" whispers Alex, awe and fear both heavy in her voice. Demetri hears her and nods slowly, giving them all a small smile. "Wow," I hear them all mumble. For me, it isn't that amazing but this is their first time meeting a vampire so I suppose they have and excuse to be amazed.

"As you can all see, everything went well," Mark statted. Well duh. I think we could have all guessed that from the fact that Yale is sitting in front of us and not in a ditch somewhere, but I suppose he just said that to make us all feel a little better. Damnit. Why do I keep thinking these things?!?

"Yes. It went remarkably well. Yale is a very strong person, perhaps I could even go as far to say he is the strongest person I have ever encountered." I spot the look ok absolute affection which Lucas give to Yale and I can't hold back. I lunge forward and pass Mark before he is able to stop me. "Ester! No!," I hear him yell, fear filling his  voice. Of course, I ignore him.

Both he and Demetri lunge after me but I reach Lucas and Yale before they can stop me and I wrap my arm around Yale's neck. I feel Lucas tense next to me but I just give him a huge happy smile and he instantly relaxes. Pulling away from Yale, I gently punch his arm, giving him the same grin I just gave Lucas. "Welcome to the family Yale." His reply came out as a nod and a smile of his own. I could see the relief fill his face as he realised he had been accepted into the "family".

Turning away from the happily mated couple, I realise that six pairs of eyes stare at me; four confused and two shocked. Mark and Demetri stare at me as if I have grown another head and I raise an eyebrow, asking a silent question. "Ester, you do realise that Yale is a vampire right?" Mark asks me in a quiet voice. I nod my head, confusion overcoming my thoughts. Why would he ask me such a stupid question? "And you are ok with that?"

Ah. Now I see. He was worried that I would attack Yale for my persistant dislike of vampires. I guess I don't blame him because I admit I hate vampires. It probably has something to do with my time living on the streets as a child, but that is a story for another time. Anyway, of course I will tolerate Yale. Even if he and Lucas had not mated, I would never do anything to jeopordise his safety. Lucas is a member of my family and by extension, so is Yale and I will protect him as such.

"Well of course I am ok with that. So should you be. Yale is now officially a member of your pack so you must treat him as such. Even though he is not a shifter, through their mated bond he is family." I only stare at Mark, trying to guade his reaction. He just stares at me with an astonished look on his face. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask. Mark gives Demetri a look and then returns his gaze to me.

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