Chapter 9

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I'm surrounded by darkness. I know I'm not really here, my physical self lying unconscious somewhere in the school, but I am unable to escape. No matter how hard I try, I can't pull away. The darkness is pressing in so tightly, I am unable to breath.

Suddenly, the darkness is gone, leaving being my mother, standing before me with a warm smile plastered on her face. I rush forwards, wrapping my arms around her and burying my face in her neck. She wraps her own arms around me and I hear her sigh.

"Mother. I have missed you so much. I'm sorry for leaving you. Please forgive me," I beg. She only pats my head without uttering a word. Her other hand gently strokes my arm as I weep.

Suddenly, something warm trickles down my cheek. At first I think it is a tear, but when I reach up to wipe it away, it comes away red. Blood. Quickly, I pull away from my mother, and gasp. Half of her face is missing, with her jaw bone showing and blood trickling down her body.

"Mother, are you ok?" Stupid question but it is the only thing I can say. Her grip on my arm changes. She squeezes, with her sharp nails digging into my arms, drawing blood. A look of pure anger crosses her face. "What do you think? You left me and I was killed. Do you know how agonisingly slow my death was? He tortured me to find out where you would go and hide. It took me hours to die and it was all your fault!"

I flinch at the tone in her voice. "It's your fault we are dead," she repeats with a sneer. Something catches my attention and I look over her shoulder. My father is lying not too far away. Lifeless, his dead eyes staring accusingly at me. "We would have been better if you were never born." Her face contorts until I am unable to recognise it.

Suddenly, the lycan responsible for killing my parents stands before me in his human form, sneering at me. "What are you going to do little mutt? Are you going to hunt me down and kill me? You are pathetic. You couldn't even protect your parents and you won't be able to protect your friends. I will tear them limb from limb slowly until there is nothing left, as I did your mother." His laugh courses through me, and I feel a surge of rage.

I watch as my fathers body lurches up and moves towards Valentine. I think he is going to kill him, but instead, Valentine produces a knife and spins, forcing the knife deep into his breast bone. I scream as I watch him drop to the ground. Blood pools around him as he desperately tries to breath, making horrible chocking noises.

I feel a strange pulling feeling, and suddenly I am lying on a bed. Valentine is sitting next to me, sneering at me. I see red, and lunge from the bed, allowing my wolf to take complete control.


The Doctors POV

The girl lunges up before me and I watch in horror as she shifts into a magnificent black werewolf, and lunges towards me. Luckily, I have been trained to deal with these situations. I may be human, but I'm not stupid. And thankfully, not slow

Quickly, before she can react, I sprint out the door, slamming it shut behind me. Hearing the automatic lock, I sigh and slowly step away from the door. Thank god the Alpha thought about this door. No way can anything get through it.

A huge dent appears in the door as I hear thud after thud. Gulping, I slowly begin to back away down the hall. Another thud echoes and I jump as the door is thrown forwards, slamming into the opposite wall.

That's not why I jumped. Astride the strong yet useless door stands the beautiful black beast I have ever seen, staring at me with deathly black eyes. The silver in the door did nothing to stop her getting through. I gulp again, staring at her eyes. I fell myself being drawn in and look away, before I cause her any offence. Her wolf is in charge now and she wasn't happy with me. The last thing I want to do is provoke her, and by trying to stare her down, she will feel a need to attack me. It's only natural for donimant wolves.

I slowly begin to back away again, but the wolf snarls and lunges towards me. Ok, so perhaps backing away from a bloodthirsy beast is not such a good idea. I scream like a little girl, covering my face with my hands, waiting for the pain. Cowardly I know, but I refused to watch my death come flying towards me. Of course, I can't help but peek and I cathc sight of a shadow lurching towards the black wolf and the pair collide. Snarls of rage fill the space aroung us, but as soon as I realise who the shadow is, I relax. Alpha Mark. He will protect me from the beast that is Ester.

Finally uploaded so let me know what you think. I just sort of made this up as I was going along so sorry if it's crap :D

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