The wheels on the bus

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A cool wind had picked up in the time I was inside and as we came out onto the street Louis ran back inside to get a jumper, coming out with a blue Jack Wills hoodie. The bus was five minutes late and I made a comment as I stepped on that the driver clearly overheard and did not appreciate because as I got off he gave me the biggest death glare in the history of the universe.

On the bus I sat in my usual place in the middle and the boys followed suit in the pairs: Liam and Zayn, Harry and Niall, and Louis sat next to me and whined the whole time because he wanted the window seat. But I didn't give in because I always get the window seat. A few of my friends, actually my only friends in town, questioned me about why I was hanging out with the boys, so I practically told the whole bus what the situation was.

Liam's POV

I can't believe I slept through my alarm! The damn quiet thing only gave me less time to get ready, even though the bus was five minutes late. It would have been much quicker for us boys to run to school but we didn't know the surroundings and where it would be safe to run and shift, so we decided against it. Besides, it would be slightly strange for Sam if on our first day we didn't catch the bus and arrived before her.

On the bus I sat beside Zayn who was being rather quiet as he was usually when we were in public. I stared out the window and tried to get some peace but it was impossible with even a small busload of people, it just made it so much harder not to eavesdrop with enhanced hearing. There were twelve year old girls talking about guys, teen boys talking about the latest football game, and Louis and Sam were debating what was best to mix into pancakes.

The bus trip was long and slow, especially with the traffic stopping what felt like every minute, and it nearly was. About halfway through I could see across from Zayn and I Niall was getting claustrophobic and glimpsing around nervously, the signs he was about to shift were evident. I practically lunged across the bus to stop him; Niall had always had the least control in the most unprecedented circumstances,and it was common for him to try shifting when he was claustrophobic.

I was so thankful to breathe fresh air when the bus finally pulled up outside a modern institution.  This must be our new school.  I met up with the boys and Sam guided us in to the reception, a small area to the side just inside the main entrance to the school.  Out of our pack I had the keenest sense of direction, not to brag or anything, it's just each of us is best at something.

Each of us received timetables from a podgy old toad lady who smelt strongly of tobacco mixed with lavender and baby powder, then we headed off to form room; luckily we had all the same classes otherwise I didn't think I would last the day.

Niall's POV

In form room I sat up the back with the lads but Sam sat with some friends I noticed she was talking to on the bus.  I hated being in school.  It was so clustered and busy, it often make me dizzy and claustrophobic and I just wanted to shift and run away, which I nearly did on the bus, but thank goodness Liam was there.  Schools were just not really my cup of tea, with the dirty bathrooms and foul smelling locker rooms, the gun covered undersides of desks and the sickening cafeteria food.

Throughout the day we went throught the usual 'new kids, say hi, few things about yourself'; we'd heard it all before at the many previous schools we had attended, and quickly been kicked out of usually for fighting or slacking off.  It wasn't our fault we needed to shift sometimes when we should have been in class!

Waiting for rain ( a 1D werewolf story ~ AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin