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Louis' POV

It was finally lunch and after braving the cafeteria queues I headed out past the playing fields with Niall and entered the forest that the school backed onto so that we could shift and stretch a bit. I plopped down under a tall pine and scoffed a Peanut Butter sandwich but I was still hungry - for wolf food.

"Niall I'm huuuuuuungrrryyyyy," I whined to my blond friend who was happily munching away on his second sandwich and clearly had no intentions of hunting today.

"Then go hunt; you are the alpha, mate," he replied spitting little bits of sandwich everywhere as he said it with his mouth full.  Really, Niall had absolutely no table manners when he wasn't at a table.  I sighed incompetently.  I hated being the alpha of our pack, just because my fur was as white as snow, even though snow is usually penguin crap stained and dirty, just like my constantly mud stained coat.  Zayn once made the inference that I looked like a little Scottish terrier only bigger and a little less shaggy.  I could scare the arse off one of them, though.

"But I don't wanna go aloooooone!"I complained, "What if I get caught?" Niall sighed.  He'd been caught once and we had to bail him out.  The experience wasn't painful and life scarring for only him, it impacted all of us, even those who came and went from the pack, Simon, Paul and Kevin.  Niall finished off the last scraps of sandwich, stood up and shifted, obediently waiting for me to to follow his lead.  I shifted too and suddenly felt like any burdens had been magically lifted off my shoulders, I was free as anything.  Then, suddenly breaking me out of my monologue, Niall sprinted off and I followed closely behind.

We bounded off so fast it felt like flying.  We barely broke any sticks as we powered through the forest doing a giant circular lap of it.  I loved the feeling of running at over 120 kilometres per hour, the wind rushing through my fur in a streamline wave.  It was so refreshing and cool and it was great anger management.  For most of the time Niall was that slight bit ahead of me, after all he was the fastest runner in the pack, that's why he ate so much.  I was always watching his shaggy honey coloured coat, not only because he was ahead, but because it gleamed in the sunlight like the reflection off a window in direct summer sunlight. 

I had always been slightly jealous of Niall's fur, ever since the day we were changed 11 years ago, but that story's for another time.  Niall's fur was a golden honey syrup colour, slightly long and unkempt, but it always reflected the sun's rays beautifully, illuminating patches of fur so they looked white, sometimes even blue reflecting the sky.  Of course, my snow white coat had a similar effect, but no one's coat was quite like Niall's.

At a stream we stopped and shifted for a break and Niall pulled a cookie out of his pocket.  I scooped up some fresh stream water and, after smelling that it was clean, gulped it down like it was life giving miracle liquid.

I checked my watch: 12:52. CRAP we were going to be late if we didn't push the speed limit right now.  I shifted to Niall's surprise and he followed suit and I made a series of growling and barking noises, but to Niall it meant, 'We're going to be late, we have to go!' We sprinted through the forest taking every shortcut possible until we reached the school's playing fields.

Just before the trees and bushed cleared we shifted, only just doing it in time before a couple of juniors looked our way, probably just hearing us rustling around in the bushes.  We subtly crossed the playing fields as we heard the shrill sounding bell, and blended with the crowd of people coming in from the lunch break.  We followed a crowd of people back to our locker area but as I neared I lost sight of Niall and shortly ran into a dishevelled looking Liam. 

"Louis! Where have you been?!" He nearly yelled.

"God, keep your tits on mate, I just went for a run with Niall,"  I brushed it off easily, now trying to avoid the subject, but Liam pressed on into an interrogation.

"Lou! Where did you go? Nowhere too public? No one saw you? for sure?-" he was about to launch into another round but I cut him off with a reassuring pat on the back.

"It's fine, mate.  We just went into the forest and did a lap."


"Sssshhh!" If he kept up this noise our secret would be out within minutes. "Whisper Liam, you don't want our secret out too quick, I think I like this place." Liam sighed dissaprovingly, despite that I was older than him and the alpha.

"Yeah, I like it too Louis, but careful, okay?" he patted me on the back only slightly too hard and I gave a reassuring smile.  I grabbed my books and headed off to the next tedious class of the day, and luckily the third last, biology. 

A/N: on the right is Louis' wolf :)

Waiting for rain ( a 1D werewolf story ~ AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora