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Harry's POV

We arrived home late due to nonstop traffic jams for about 20 minutes.  When we stepped inside our house 20 minutes late everyone was silent and the air was tense, in fact, everyone had been tense since lunch today and I didn't know why.  Oh little me, the youngest, the one always left out not knowing what the hell was going on.  Always being cared for by the boys like a child.  It really got to me sometimes.

As soon as Zayn creaked the door open I rushed upstairs to my room and swung open my laptop.  I always checked my emails as soon as I arrived home because there was always the chance she had replied.  Her emails always put me in a good mood after a boring or just plain bad day.  Although there was a chance she wouldn't contact me after last night.  No, nothing happened last night.  Like litterally nothing.  I didn't email at all and she didn't either.  This had been happening more frequently lately and I was worried we might be drifting apart.

It was always hard to talk to her, especially with four brothers always peeking in on what I was doing, especially since they were all older than me.  I hadn't told the boys about her, and I wasn't planning on it any time soon.  She was the only one I could really talk to, who knew my secret, who just understood.  Yeah the other boys were all like me, but none of them felt the same way about it as I did.

I can't tell you her name, but then again, I don't really know it.

Louis' POV

When Zayn pushed the door open we all rushed inside, glad to be home after spending 8 hours at that awful school, but Harry was especially fast getting up the stairs and to his room.  This had been happening a lot recently, especially around when we moved.  I remember at our old house when Harry used to rush down the long hallway to his room and slam the door shut as soon as he stepped inside.  Then the lock would make a faint 'click' sound, and I heard a similar sound as I trudged up the stairs today.

Liam and Zayn had dumped their bags in the foyer and were now watching TV, and Niall was, of course, in the kitchen fixing himself a delicious something-or-other.  Whatever it was, I wished I had some, it smelt really good.  I followed Harry up the stairs and went into my own room, pulling out my maths books from my bag and setting them on the desk.  I slumped onto the navy blue swivel chair and opened the textbook to the 'linear equations' section.  Boy I was going to have to work my ass off to pass this year.

Academics wasn't my best; not now, not ever.  The maths rules and scientific equations didn't come naturally to me as they did to Liam and Zayn, and I couldn't write a story or essay for shit like Niall.  Even Harry passed music with flying colours.  I had to face it some day.  I was the delinquent of the family.  The drop-out, the dumb one.  The one who's school report stood out from the rest with a big red 'F' stamped onto it.

I stared at the maths book not even bothering to wipe away the tears soaking the blurry-looking pages.

A/N: to the right is Liam's wolf

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