Explanations part 2

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"What's going on?" Niall yelped, jumping back in surprise at his 'voice'.  His wolf was a golden yellow colour that reflected the light beautifully.  Wait, the light?!  Oh no, the sun was coming up!  The dorm staff would be here any minute to wake everyone up, I could just tell.  That got me thinking - how do I turn back to normal?

"Hey guys, the sun's coming up!" I yelped and when their attention was on me I asked "Do you have any idea how to get back to normal?"

"Maybe if you, like, think about it really hard?" little Harry suggested from his place slightly disjointed from us at the end of Louis' bed.  Realising that he was alone Louis pounced over to Harry and snuggled in close to comfort him.

"Good thinking Hazz,"  Louis agreed, and sqeezed his dazzling blue eyes shut in concentration.  Harry followed his lead nad I felt somehow compelled to as well.  Soon enough we were all sitting there with our eyes shut, not only thinking about being normal again but also hoping the staff wouldn't walk in too soon.  Slowly but surely I felt a strange tingling sensation and then the same pain I had felt turning into this creature, only less painful.


I woke in my own bed with the covers pulled to my chin, being yelled at painfully loudly by a growly voice.  I sat up tentatively to see everyone else sitting up, rubbing their bleary eyes, and yawning awake from sleepy happiness.  I let out a yawn and swung my legs off the side of the bed; the memories of last night came flashing back into my mind, then the memory of our midnight adventure.  What had happened last night seemed so unreal; had it just been a dream?  I decided to ask the boys at school.

I had just slipped into my school uniform, an azure polo shirt and tan pants with black shoes, when someone started tugging on my arm, stubbornly trying to get my attention.  I was forcefully pulled in their direction and to the boys who were waiting outside the dorm.

"Okay, so do we all remember last night?" Louis asked, deep in thought.  So it must not have been a dream if Louis remembered it too.  Strange.

"Yeah, why? And how did I end up in my own bed?" I asked accusingly.  If it really wasn't a dream I didn't understand how I could have been in bed when I woke up this morning.

"You and Niall were asleep when we went back to normal so Louis and I carried you back to bed," Zayn explained, "Good thing we did too because the dorm staff were on their way,"

"Oh, okay, but what exactly happened last night?" Niall interrupted.  Louis and Zayn shared a knowing glance.  They always seemed to think they could act like parents because they were the oldest.

"Well," Louis started, "Zayn and I were talking earlier,"

"You remember the wolf in the woods when we snuck out?" Zayn continued, finishing Louis' sentence. "And how it attacked us?"  We all nodded.

"Well, we think that the wolf in the woods was actually a werewolf and now we are too," Louis finished, looking down at his feet sheepishly.  I stood gawking at his words.  How was that even possible?! Being from a strict background the phase of imagination had skipped past me and the idea of mythical creatures existing did not mix well with my mind.

"B-b-but how is that even possible?" I stuttered in shock and I could tell Niall and Harry were in shock too.  I kind of felt sorry for Harry, he was the youngest and he had been so scared that night; the prospect of it affecting his life forever would be extremely daunting.

"Actually, we ran some tests," Zayn mumbled and pushed forward his left arm so we could all see  Band-Aids covering a patch on his lower arm. Louis made the same action to show an identical patch of Band-Aids on his arm. "Turns out our blood is different now.  It's black, not red,"

Waiting for rain ( a 1D werewolf story ~ AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat