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A/N: Okay, epilogue, this is actually the end...finding it really hard to type right now because MY FINGER IS BLEEDING!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHH!! anyway, this is pretty sad, as in, I'm sad that this is ending...

3 years later - WFR

Sam's POV

"No, I need the lemon scented one!" I scolded my boyfriend on the other end of the phone line while I stacked the dishwasher of the kitchen in our comfy country home. "Yes, honey, I know you prefer pine, but Home Brand is what we can afford right now!" I sighed, hoping that Dylan would give up the argument soon.

I was still in my parent's old home in Ashville; I had just finished my course in nursing to work at the nursing home there. Hopefully I wouldn't have my mum's hard job of handling mentally disabled patients.

I peeked out the front window to see Ben's daughter, my niece, Holly swinging on the garden swing I had bought her last year for Christmas. Ben was always away for business, leaving Holly in Dylan and my care seeing as Holly's mother was one of Ben's many 'lady night aquantances' five years ago, and after her death Holly had been put in Ben's custody.  I smiled at the little girl's laughter, feeling the same excitement well up in me, until Dylan's persistent nagging on the phone brought me back down.

"No, Dylan, can you do the shopping without questioning everything on the list for once?!" I nearly screamed, and Holly looked at me, a scared look on her pretty little face. I assured her it would be okay silently from inside and continued my conversation.

Listening to Dylan rant and giving him the occasional yes or no I began to pace around the kitchen, looking up every few minutes to check on Holly. Each time I did look up though, my eyes were drawn from Holly swinging to the house next door where the boys used to live. I sighed, not only in frustration with Dylan, but also thinking about all the memories in that house.

Which is why, when I looked back to Holly swinging, I nearly dropped the phone in surprise. No longer was Holly swinging on her garden swing, but standing in front of it staring at a snow white wolf that had suddenly appeared in the garden. My eyes widened in surprise and I panicked, wanting to get Holly inside and to safety.

"Uh, yeah, Dylan honey? I've got someone on the other line, got to go babe, sorry, bye, " I threw the phone down and rushed to the door, going slowly from there as to not scare the wolf. I approached it slowly, calling to Holly.

"Holly, baby,"

"Yeah Auntie Sammy?" the adorable six year old turned to face me and I freaked out inside; that movement would only aggravate the wolf more.

"Come to me slowly Holly, then go inside and get changed, it's far too cold to be playing out here," I told her, and I could have sworn the wolf smiled a little. Holly smiled too and bounced back inside.

"Okay Auntie Sammy," she giggled and I mentally face-palmed myself at her ignorance. Oh well, what could I do, she was only six.

Once Holly was safely inside with the door closed I approached the animal still standing as though frozen in the garden. His ocean blue eyes followed my every move, and it was just a little creepy, but I knew it shouldn't be.

"Lou?" I asked simply and the dirty white wolf walked up to me slowly, resting his muzzle in my extended palm without hesitation. Slowly but surely I kneeled down to his level and cupped his fuzzy face in my hands. "How's it going?" I laughed, and he smiled in reply, but stepped back suddenly without warning. "You gonna come back to me properly?" I asked expectantly, watching him look left and right up the street before tensing his muscles for the oncoming change.

Suddenly before me stood a charming young man who looked exactly like my Louis only more mature. A smile crept across my face slowly, as it did on his, and before I knew it we were in each others arms laughing.

Waiting for rain ( a 1D werewolf story ~ AU)Where stories live. Discover now