I hate violence

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Zayn's POV

Liam sidled up to me as I strode confidently down the hall despite my status as 'new guy'.  He looked slightly pissed off and rather tired and flustered.  I hoped he hadn't been fighting with one of the others.  I hated it when the boys fought.  They got so violent they often shifted and took it to the woods or some remote place where they could half tear each other to threads, before heading home in such a state it looked like nothing had happened.

"Zayn? Zayn!" I heard Liam calling me out of my monologue and swiping his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah?" my head snapped towards him, desperately trying to get rid of the swatting hand.  Luckily he stopped when I gave my attention, but also turned rather grave and serious.

"Louis and Niall were in the woods at lunch today." Oh no here we go again, "They were only in the forest behind school; anyone could have seen!"  It was nice that Liam was generally worried about the boys, but Louis was the alpha and we had to respect that, plus it was their choice to risk getting caught.

"Liam, I'm going to be blunt about this." This could go one of two ways. Good or bad, "You worry too much." From the face he was pulling I assumed this was going to the latter, "I know you care for the boys, but they can make their own choices.  Besides, Louis knows what he's getting into.  He is the alpha after all," Liam sighed, and I had the worst feeling this was going to get violent.  We often had different opinions and Liam was much more physical than me.

"You know Zayn," Here comes the first insult.  I braced myself, "You're right." Well, I didn't expect that.  And then Liam went to class, leaving me in the sea of people gaping like a stunned mullet.

After school

Zayn's POV

At the sound of the last shrill tinkling bell I shot out of hte classroom barely waiting for the teacher's instructions.  I was never the most obedient student.  I raced to my locker and stuffed my bag with the pile of homework I had from the day: English, Maths, Science, History, Music; just thinking about it all made me tired and sleepy.

"Zayn! You ready to go mate?" Louis smiled at me, already with his bag and Harry in tow.

"Yeah, sure let's go," I sighed and grabbed my bag, flinging it onto my back.  We walked through the halls confidently even though we had nearly no idea where we were going, despite our superhuman senses.  I smiled when I saw sunlight streaming through the glass double doors and subtly quickened my pace.  As I stepped outside the sunlight hit my face and it was so warm and refreshing, so different to being stuck in air conditioning all day.  A tingle ran through my spine as I shivered at the sudden change of atmosphere and the warmth of the sun heating me up.

Louis dragged me to the bus, Harry still in tow and now Niall had joined us too but Liam was nowhere to be seen.

"Yeah, let's get out of here." I grabbed my shoulder bag and followed Louis down the crowded halls and out to the bus going to our little town. The bus ride was quiet; Liam sat with Harry, evidently still not happy about Louis and Niall's escapade at lunch. I sat by myself because Sam was gossiping at the back with about four other girls, the only ones on the bus. Other than that there was the five of us, Sam's brothers, and three other guys all going back to Ashville.

A/N: to the right is Niall's wolf (but his coat is slightly lighter than that; I couldn't find a better photo - if any suggestions please tell me with a link!)

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