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CHAPTER SIX: D'ARTAGNAN — Also known as; Dig Dug

CHAPTER SIX: D'ARTAGNAN — Also known as; Dig Dug

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As soon as that space creature barred its teeth at Dustin and I we scrambled out of his room, fighting each other to get out first. He abandoned his bedroom for my floor and we'd come up with a plan tomorrow to get whatever that thing was out of his room.

I banged my head against my wall again, shaking my head, "Dustin I don't understand."

He sighed in frustration, placing the paper with the diagram on my bed, "Okay, lets go through this again."

I nodded, "Slowly, please."

"There's a lab on the outskirts of Hawkins, at first we thought it was a simple electricity plant but it turned out to be a secret government laboratory running human experiments."

I nodded slowly, "Right and that's where this.. girl came from?" I asked, "The one with superpowers?"

His face beamed, "El, yes!"

"El." I swallowed my eyes narrowing in thought, "Short for Eleven?"

He hummed to indicate I was right, "The government were using Eleven to try and spy on the Russians and during an experiment she accidentally opened this thing called a gate.." Dustin paused to pick up his drawing of a straight line, he pointed to the upside of the line.

"Right, the thing that opened the.. Upside Down?"

Was I even saying this right?

Dustin nodded again, "Yes! So when El opened the gate to the Upside Down she created a passing between the two worlds. Like we live in our universe there are living things in the Upside Down too, we called them Demogorgans."

"Demogorgans." I repeated. The word was familiar and I arched my brow in confusion, "Demogorgans?"

Dustin lowered the paper, "We used D&D to name things."

"Okay." I nodded, "Makes sense now, carry on."

"Anyways the night Will went missing he was taken by the Demogorgan to the Upside Down but he was still able to communicate with us from there. Because Hawkins lab were really the reason for Will's disappearance they found a fake body and we buried it thinking it was Will."

Dustin paused to see if I was still following, "Right."

"When we went out looking for Will we found El and she lived in Mikes basement while we tired to find Will but at the same time the Demogorgan came back and took Barb, which apparently Jonathan caught on camera."

"Jonathan caught the Demogorgan taking Barb?" I asked in shock, "Hold that—the Demogorgan took Barb?!" Dustin looked at me pointedly for interrupting him again but I was far too shocked to even care, "Dustin this is serious, why don't Mr. and Mrs. Holland know about this?"

𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘 - 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now