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CHAPTER FIFTY ONE; MEMORIES — Also known as; The Piggyback, Part 2.

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It didn't matter about silencing my footsteps. It didn't matter about treding quietly. All that mattered was getting up these stairs and firing a whole round at Vecna as quickly as humanly possible. I didn't care if he still somehow knew I was coming. If he was fast I was faster. I had to be. For Steve, for Max, for Dustin... for everyone. We were all in trouble.

Somehow I had the chance to kill this son of a bitch. I had the opportunity. I had the opening. I wasn't going to let it go to waste.

If I had to distract Vecna to do it, I would. If I had to pull him back into this world and out of Max's head I would. I'd accepted my fate a long time ago. I accepted my death the day I ran down those escalators to El and Billy that night in the mall. It was something I still had peace with. I was willing to be the sacrifice if it meant my friends would live on together in a world that wasn't plagued and haunted by monsters from an alternate dimension. It didn't mean I was ready to die, that I wanted to... I was just willing to be the sacrifice.

I took the steps two at a time, the gun raised high into the air. I was ready to fire. Ready to fight. The second I rounded the corner and saw him I would pull the trigger. My finger was already itching. It didn't matter where I hit. Not the first shot. As long as I got one in I'd be able to buy myself enough time to deliver a deadly one or two... or even three. I didn't know how many it would take to bring him down.

I had a feeling it would take more than one. He was an unworldly creature. Something made up of what I could not describe nor knew. What I did know was that he wasn't invincible. If we could kill the Demogorgans, the Demodogs, Demobats and the Mind Flayer we could kill Vecna. Nothing—no matter what world it was in—was invincible.

I cleared the stairs with a deep breath and rounded the corner, finger pressed firmly against the trigger. I took a second breath and held it as my eyes laid on Vecna. For a moment time paused. He was there. Right where we expected him to be. The humanoid creature levitated in the air with thick vines attached to his body holding him up like a spider in his web. His eyes were closed and it looked like he was sleeping but I knew better. I knew where he was, deep in Max's mind, perhaps seconds away from killing her.

I pulled the trigger.

No bullet flew out the chamber.

My eyes widened in sheer panic as I lowered the gun slightly and pulled the trigger again and again but it jammed in place. My breaths came out in quick, short pants as I quickly pulled the chamber back to see it jammed. My shaking fingers pushed hard to try and get it back into place but I trembled so hard I struggled. I couldn't even begin to believe it. I didn't dare take my eyes from the chamber, didn't dare make a sound.

𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘 - 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now