With no shame, I go to see him but he is still harsh on me. He welcomes me with an unpleasant gesture. "Why?!! Why are you still like this?? Just forget them okay!? I'm sorry... sorry for my foolish and selfish act. I was an idiot okay? don't be like this... Please..." I plead for his forgiveness and grab his hand but he shoves my hands away.

He is still angry. Well, I am angry too. "Tell me what should I do for you to forgive me? Tell me!!" I scream to let out my frustration.

"Let us keep a distance for a moment... Let us think about what is best for both of us. Am I the one for you?? Do you really love me?? You made me question, do you really love me??... It's better for us not to meet for the time being..." He let out what he feels. It stunned me.

At that time, I made up my mind too. A decision that sincerely comes from my heart. "If you want a breakup, just tell me... Keep a distance for a moment?? What is that? You know it is useless for us to still be at each other's side right?... It has never changed... No.. you never change JC! I don't think it will ever be. Maybe I should stop making the wrong decision? A time to think? I think we should just end it right here! So, there is no need for us to meet in the future!... I will forget you. I don't think I can take it anymore... Your ego... Your anger. It was you... You are the one who wants this... Remember... Please let us not see each other again. I hope you will find the one for you... Just pretend that we have never met before... " I walk away from him. From that day, I decided to live as an ordinary person, stop my part-time modeling, and focus on my studies.


She made me speechless from the moment she turned away from me. I wanted to stop her but my voice wasn't coming out, my body became stiff as it glued together. I cried that day, alone in my room. This is what I fear the most, she disappears from my sight, and she did that when she went to Japan. Far from where my eyes can see. I was always insecure with myself as I thought she deserves someone better but I could not let her go.

After everything calmed down, I went to find her. I was sorry,  but she was not in Korea. I texted her nonstop, or even called her, but I didn't get any replies. I heard the news that she came back, so I decided to confront her at her workplace.


Sophie's POV-

On that day, I was checking a patient's file when suddenly, they called me to go to the lobby as someone was looking for me. As I walk into the lobby, I know it is him. He is wearing a mask to avoid people from noticing who he is.

"We need to talk... Do you have a moment?" He asks me for my valuable time.

"Well, you can just say it right here... " I refuse to talk to him.

"How about we go somewhere else...? A drink maybe.." He persuades.

"I'm sorry sir, I have nothing to discuss with you... You can say anything you want right here... " I did not budge from my decision as he had turned me as cold as the ice. He becomes speechless, lost for words.

"You have nothing to say, right? Then I am going..." I walk away, but he quickly grabs my hand, and it surprises me.

"Let me go! Security! Help me!" I scream out loud to the security and they pull him, throw him outside the health center.

"Next time, do not call me if a stranger wants to see me! Ask their names first!." I shout to the receptionist as they don't follow the right procedures.

-The next day-

They gave me a minor case. Medical consultation of an alcoholic patient. Looking at the name in the file, I refuse to take the case. "He is our VVIP patient, and he has asked for you directly. So please take good care of him." One of the management team informs me.

I give up. "What is he doing? Alcoholism? Argh!" I sigh because he is unbearable. I walk to his room and as I step inside,  he is smiling as he thinks it is a funny act. I act professionally and tell him all the basic things, but he seems to ignore my explanations.

"Do you want to know why I became an alcoholic? Well, my girlfriend left me. Otherwise, she would have stopped me from drinking..." He mocks me.

"Well, I am not interested in your private matters, I'm just doing my job here. Your rehabilitation will take up to 3 months." I closed the file as I had finished with the procedures.

"When will you forgive me??" He asked me. He looked so desperate that it almost made me laugh.

"Just pray to God that I will... " I walk out of his ward.


As month by month passed, I forgave him, but it stopped me from continuing our relationship. So, he gives me time to think. We became close as friends. Soon, his rehabilitation will finish, but I could not be there when he was discharged. I need to fly to the United States for a special occasion. Until the day I left for the States, I did not tell him.

"Where is she? Ms. Sophie?" He asks the nurse who is in charge of him.

"Oh, she is on vacation." The nurse answers.

---The next day---


"You should see this...." My manager showed me a post from social media.

It is a photo of her and Kim. The photos of them getting a wedding ring, a photo of them wearing a wedding dress, and a short video of them taking the vow too.

"Is this real?" I asked my manager.

"It's genuine" He answers me confidently.

I feel devastated and lost. My heart shattered to see those viral photos. I am thinking hard, "How could you do this to me??" I moan with anger and frustration.

-Around 2 am-


An emergency alarm emerged out of the peaceful night.

"An emergency in VVIP room 2! Hurry!" A nurse shouts.

"The patient is lying unconscious on the floor. Take him to the emergency room!" A doctor handles the emergency.

Sophie's POV-

I was packing my belongings into my luggage when I received an international call. "An international call?" I mutter.

"Please come home quickly! It's JC... something happens to him!" Mrs. Ji cries on the other line. She sounds distressed and begs me to return quickly. It startled and confused me as I left him, he is perfectly fine.


As I reached the hospital, they stabilized him. As a favor, I take a turn to take care of him as I am still on my holiday. Mrs. Ji could not stop crying, and I soothe her.

"Don't worry, he will be fine... You can go home, I'll take care of him..." I urge her to return home as she has been staying for days at the hospital. Before she left, she passed me the letter. It stunned me to read the letter. It is a suicide note. I lost my breath for a moment and cried involuntarily. (*Suicide is an immoral act! Strictly forbidden! Your life is precious!!).


After he regains his consciousness, I take a night shift to accompany him during the night and his mother during the day.  The next morning, I decided to visit him before I went back home. As I reached the entrance, I heard voices from his room. It hesitated me to walk inside as the room was crowded with his friends. He is smiling happily.

That night, I went to his room, and he was waiting for me. I take a seat next to him and ask him the triggered question...

"Why did you do it?" I ask him while gazing directly into his eyes.


I Was Loved (Non-Edited)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora