Chapter 27 - Home

Start from the beginning

No, I can't shift the blame, this is on me, I was the one who reacted badly, I should have just listened to Chet and I wouldn't be in this mess. I know all about the Ravens and I know all about Chet's father, what he did to my family, the kind of person he was, but I also know Chet and I know him well enough to know that he is nothing like his father, so not listening to him, will be something I will regret for the rest of my life.

Two years ago my Father received a phone call from a fellow alliance informing him a small amateur group were coming after us, they had planned to attack us at the docks and the target was my Mother. Right away we knew who the crew was, because this didn't come out of the blue. In the lead up to this, many things had happened.

The first encounter we had with them was at the docks, they came and killed three members of our crew, then there was the issue of rats among us, people who were meant to be working for the Cobras, but were reporting back to the Ravens, along with many warehouses attacked using inside information.

Knowledge is gold in our world and being informed of what was to come may be what saved us. When the night arrived the entire Cobra family set out to the docks, all of us well-armed. Like clock work the Ravens arrived, and it was on. Everything happened so quickly, the sound of firing guns echoing in the night sky, the sound of people running, the sound of people in pain as they were hit. It was a lot to take in, but it had to be done.

My Father shot and killed two of the Raven's members, while the rest of us took on the rest, many more of them dying. But it was my mother who came face to face with Raven and it was my mother who shot him, point blank in the head. But with everything he put her through, she deserved to be the one to pull the trigger.

Back when my Mother was first showing an interest in joining the Cobras her Father (my Grandfather) sent her to the best training facility money could buy, a school on the other side of the country, in New York.

During her time in New York, she excelled and was at the top of her class in just about everything, fitness, agility, shooting, but there was one teacher who failed her every time and would encourage her to meet him after classes in order to get extra points and not fail the class, he made her very uncomfortable, and she hated staying back with him, but she was young, and she wanted to prove to her Father that should could be part of his crew, one of the boys, so she did. That teacher was, Raven.

While nothing happened during the times she worked with him on her own for extra points, there was one night on campus that changed everything. At an unofficial campus party, Raven followed her, walking back to her Dorm. She was on her own. No doubt that was what he was waiting for. When he caught up to her, he pulled her into a dark corner of the school grounds, and began kissing her neck. She attempted to push him away; she told him to stop, that she wasn't interested in him, but he kept ongoing. He kept on telling her it was her fault, that she was leading him on by staying back to gain extra credit, he told her he'd pass her if she just stopped fighting him and let him do what he'd been wanting to do since the day he laid eyes on her.

Even though she had been drinking, somehow she fought him off, and ran back to her dorm as fast as her feet would take her from there to phone her Father and informed him of what had happened. The next morning she was on a plane back to Hills Valley and Raven had been fired from teaching in not just the school she'd been attending but all schools over the united states.

After leaving, she never wanted to think of him, or hear the name Raven again, and for years that's exactly what happened, but out of the blue he was back for her, with some kind of revenge plan.

When they finally came face to face once more he told her how he'd been looking for her for years, how she'd ruined his reputation by telling lies to the school, he told her she wanted him just as much as he did her, the same thing he'd told her all those years ago.

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