|| Dr. Douchebro and Bali----4||

Start from the beginning

"No Raghini you aren't doing it." Shivaay exclaimed horrified but Raghini just smirked "Anika you should have asked me directly I would have told many instead of spoiling the chance of game."

"Be my guest Raghs" Annika cheered sharing a hi-fii with Raghini while Shivaay looked at Daksh who was more involved with his wine.

"Can't you stop your girlfriend?" Shivaay's question made Daksh look at him with a raised eyebrow "I think by now you should know Shivaay you aren't liked much by me so I am also quite eager to know your embarrassing moments especially after seeing so many overly perfect sides of yours."

"I swear man in your chance I won't leave you." warned Shivaay to which Daksh chuckled "I have an option Shivaay, this glass of wine. I'm not immune to alcohol like you" .

Shivaay groaned while Raghini began "So Anika as I told you that Shivaay was one of the most wanted boy in our college but he was completely immune to girls. Valentine week use to be Shivaay's most dreadful week of the year"

Annika chuckled at the imagination in her mind along with others except Shivaay who just wanted to dig a hole and hide inside it.

"Yes so there was a girl-----what was her name Shivaay?" Raghini asked Shivaay with a teasing glint and he just glared her while holding Anika's hand squeezing it a way requesting her to stop Raghini.

"Ya so there was this girl she was our junior, her name was Tanya I guess. She was mad after Shivaay, literally mad. For sometime I doubted she was obsessed. So it was I guess our last year and for the entire Valentine week she kept irritating him with chocolates,  gifts and all even though Shivaay had refused her ones. Shivaay was so frustrated that he-----------"

"Okay stop it Raghini you aren't telling it" interrupted Shivaay closing his eyes and ears while Anika was now seriously interested to know what Shivaay did in return.

"Come-on Shivaay she isn't gonna judge you. Right Anika?" Anika agreed immediately quite impatient to hear. "Raghini please girl leave it" requested Shivaay nearly begging and Anika found him extremely adorable with that flushed face and terrified eyes.

"Raghini come-on say it" Daksh cheered too with a wicked grin and Shivaay just glared him helpless to do anything.

Anika gave Shivaay a glass of wine and he looked at her confused "If it's that embarrassing have one shot you would be able to bear the truth."

Shivaay glared her understanding her plan but Anika just gave a cheeky grin. While Daksh too cheered taking a sip of his wine.

"He declared himself a gay and kissed his bestfriend in front of everyone"

Daksh spit out the wine listening to this coughing hard while Anika choked on air.

Shivaay closed his eyes hiding behind Anika embarrassed to the peak and unknowingly took the entire glass of shot only to shake his head later at the disgusting taste. How can Anika like it at all?

It took Anika some time to actually digest the fact before she asked in a low voice "You mean to say Shivaay's first kiss was with his best friend, a boy?"

"Excuse me, She meant a cheek kiss. I kissed Aditya on his cheek. Come-on tell her Raghini before she make her own stories." Shivaay spoke with urgency seeing Anika contemplating her own thoughts. He knew how wild her thoughts can be with all her weird imaginations.

"Yes sorry I forgot my mistake. It was a cheek kiss. He kissed---on cheeks of his best friend Aditya Hooda now Dr Aditya Hooda"

"Your Mistake would cost my sexuality idiot" Shivaay scolded and Raghini bit her tongue while Daksh chuckled "God man your rest of the time would have been so difficult in the college"

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