On The Search

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~Skylor's POV~

I've been looking for nearly a month now on anything and everything I can find on Helen. The only thing I could find was some story on this guy named 'Bloody Painter' on the website called 'the creepypasta files.' I sighed and decided that it couldn't be that bad to read- I mean I have read some creepypasta stories like BEN Drowned, Slenderman, and Jeff the Killer, but I don't think Helen would be on there. Creepypasta are just made up, right? But maybe 'Bloody Painter' is what they classified Helen's so called 'attack' as? Who knows. I clicked on the link and started reading the story. Though I was very wrong, oh so very wrong.

The entire story documented what happened. Seventeen dead and five injured. But not only that, it went into more detail about another murder that happened at Helen's 'house' and caught him on a security camera. What really scared me, was that it was either a really good rendition of Helen's costume he wore, or it really was Helen. At this point, I really couldn't count anything out. Anything could have happened at this point.

I took a deep breath and continued my search on anything I could find. Though, other than the things I already knew and the Bloody Painter page, I couldn't find anything. There was absolutely nothing I could find on him. It's like he just... disappeared. How can someone just disappear in a month? Well, I guess it's not that hard, but still!

After a while, I gave up the search for now and just browsed some of the pages on the internet. Eventually, I ended up talking to this guy on a website called 'gamergeek.' Apparently his name was Ben and he had a friend named Link, which means their parents either really liked Legend of Zelda or it was short for Lincoln. Though, I ended up deciding on going onto Cleverbot, because I was bored but I didn't want actual human interaction. But that got me thinking. Maybe Cleverbot could somehow inform me of something I didn't know?? Nah, probably not, but I mean, I have nothing else to lose.

As I expected, not much happened. It was just Cleverbot being it's weird, robot-y self. As I was about to get off, some weird text started to appear. All too familiar phrases. Phrases such as 'you shouldn't have done that' and 'you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?' I decided that I wasn't getting anywhere looking for Helen, so I might as well troll Cleverbot? Ben? Who knows. Weird shit is always happening.

I continued to play dumb, acting like I didn't know who Ben Drowned was or saying that I didn't know what Legend of Zelda was, and to be fair? It was amusing watch the program get mad. After a few minutes of 'angering' Cleverbot, the screen on my laptop started to glitch. I lifted my hands off the keyboard and backed up, rolling my chair a few feet away as a hand reached through the screen.

SO CREEPYPASTA'S ARE REAL?! DOES THIS MEAN HELEN GOT TURNED INTO ONE?! FUCK ME!! I got out of my chair and looked for anything that I could possibly use as a weapon against a computer program. Uhhhh... UHHH.... HA FEBREZE! Wait, will that work? What else can I use against him? I looked over and saw that he was already out of my laptop and standing in front of me. On instinct, I raised the bottle and squirted him in the eyes a few times with it.

"WHY!?" he screamed, falling to the ground and rubbing his eyes furiously. I tried my best to stifle a laugh, but ended up laughing a little at him.

"I did not expect that to work," I chuckled, making him glare at me. I raised the bottle again and he put his hands up. "Okay, so I may have lied about not knowing who you are and never playing a Legend of Zelda game, but that was because I didn't know that you were actually real. Also, since you're here, you're going to give me some information on a friend of mine."

"Why do you assume I know who you're even talking about?" he replied, standing up and glaring at me. His eyes were still watering, making tears and blood stream down from his eyes.

"Because he has apparently be turned into a Creepypasta and I will die before I stop looking for him. Besides, if you're going to kill me anyways, I might as well try and ask," I said, lowering the bottle just enough to give him a sense of security.

"Fair enough," he shrugged, "Who's your friend?"

"Helen Otis, apparently he's now Bloody Painter," I stated. He seemed taken aback for a second before pointing to me then the laptop, then back to me and giving me a 'what the-' look.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," he started, shaking his head and his hands in front of him, "You wouldn't happen to be Skylor, would you?"

"Yeah... why?" I questioned, lowering the bottle more. I gave Ben a questioning look. Did he talk about me, or was Ben just making things up and trying to kill me easier?

"Holy shit, BP won't fucking believe this," he said, pulling out a phone and dialing a number.

"Tell me what's going on!" I said, pointing the bottle at him, "Don't make me use this again!" He held his hands up as someone answered the phone.

"BP, I found your friend," he said, before handing the phone over to me. I could hear this 'BP' asking something a little confused. I took the phone but narrowed my eyes at Ben.

"Ben? Ben?? Are you pranking me again? I swear to God, I will kill you," Helen's voice said over the phone.

"Helen?! Is that you??" I asked, turning away from Ben, but keeping the the Febreze bottle pointed at him incase he tries anything. He was silent on the other end for a second.

"Skylor..?" he questioned. I smiled and let out a sigh.

"Do you know how long I've been looking for your dumb ass?" I questioned, "You better have a damn good explanation or I swear to God, I'm making Ben take me there." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ben throw his hands up and say 'why?!'

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