Bumblebee and Knockout 🍋

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LuaKitsune requested this one.

Tfp Bumblebee x human girl x Knockout

Warning!: this one will be long!!

(Y/n)'s (pov)

I watched as Bee and KO started to argue again. They can be so childish sometimes and i always have to break up their argumants only this time I was too flustered to. They were trying to argue over who would make me feel the best in bed.

"Uh......g-guys? Do you two really have to have this conversation? I mean I do love you equally." I said and they looked at me.

"Ok (Y/n) who do you think would do better in bed with you? Me or Knockout." Bee said and I blushed even more.

"I don't know and don't even think about doing anything yet. I want to wait for a little while before we do anything like that." I said and they both nodded.

"Alright doll." Knock it said then kissed me. I kissed back making Bee huff so i went to him and kissed him.

"I still dont see how you have a voice in this form and not your bot form." Knockout said and Bee glaired at him. Once again They started to argue so i just threw my hands up and left the room.

"Come find me when you two stop acting like kids!" I shouted shutting both of them up as i slammed my bedroom door.

Bee's (pov)

I knee Knockout and I had pushed to far when our normally calm mate yelled then went to her room highlighting her anger by slamming her door.

"Uh oh......" Knockout said and I looked at him.

"Uh oh is an understatement....." I said and sighed.

"Man we really messed up huh Knockout?" I asked and he ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah.....we did. Hey you know how to cook right Bee?" He asked and i nodded.

"Yeah Raf taught me. Why?" I asked and he smiled.

"You'll cook for her and I'll clean the house. That should help patch things up. At least I hope so." He said and i nodded.

Time skip

(Y/n)'s (pov)

I laied on my bed trying to read while calming down. While reading I cam accross so many stories about my mates.

"Really? They show cybertronians are real and now people write stories about them?" I said and sighed. Sure I'm human but being bonded to two cybertronains extended my life span. As i was thinking i heard the vacuum cleaner start up as well as heard Bee cuss.

"Well watch how you fry stuff and that wont happen." I heard Knockout say and I giggled. Quietly I got up and opened the door. Sure enough Knockout was cleaning and Bee was cooking. Carefully I snuck up behind Knockout wearing a pair of his boxers and Bee's button up shirt.

"Hey Knocky." I said as I wrapped my arms around him from behind.

"Awe you werent supposed you come out until we got done with your surprise...." He said as he shut the vacuum off.

"What?! Frag. I just started on the chicken and steaks....." Bee said then saw what i was wearing.

"Stop staring Bee!" I said and turned to face him completly.

"Wearing my boxers huh?" He asked and chuckled.

"Im about ready to kick you both in the aft." I said and crossed my arms.

"You know we only stare because you look amazing right?" Bee asked and I sighed.

"I'm sorry for being so grouchy but I'm still upset with you two......" I said and they looked at eachother.

"Well we we're hoping to fix that with a clean house and a nice supper." Knockout said and I smiled.

"Well it depends on if you teo can accomplish it without fighting." I said and they smiled as they got back to work.

Time skip

(Y/n)'s (pov)

The food Bee cooked turned put amazing and we even had left overs from how much he cooked. Plus the house has staied clean for the past three days. To make everything better they havent faught!

"I'm proud of you two!" I said and kissed Knockout then Bee. To be honest I have been thinking of what they were arguing about.

"(Y/n)......both Bee and i are in heat....will you please help us out?" Knockout asked and I nodded.

"Yes. Besides we have been together for a while so i think its about time to take it to the next level." I said and Knockout kissed me while Bee was behind me kissing and sucking on my neck.

"Just please try not to get me pregnant." I said and they both chuckled.

"Well try love." Knockout said and I felt his hand travel up the inside of my shirt. He cupped my bra then uncliped it.

"Mm....i love how soft your skin is." Bee said as he reached inside of my panties and to my heat. I gasped as he slid a cold finger into me giving Knockout the perfect chance to kiss me. Our tounds battled as Bee thrusted his finger in and out of mw before adding another.

"O-oh~" i said as Knockout and I separated from our kiss to catch our breath. In a matter of seconds Bee had me moaning as he stuck another finger deep inside of me and started pumping both fingers extremely fast.

"Geez you are tight. Have you ever interfaced before?" Bee asked and i shook my head.

"Well at least we know to start out careful." Knockout said and he made Bee remove his fingers before i could hit my release. I whined a little.

"Now lets remove these clothes." Bee said and soon enough all three of us had stripped completly of our clothes. Slowly Knockout pushed his shaft into my entrance making me moan in pain and pleasure. Only to gasp when Bee pushed into me from behind.

"F-frag you are so tight!" Knockout said and I blushed. Soon I moved my hips and both of them started thrusting at a calm pace though by the look on Knockout's face I could tell it was hard for him to hold back.

"I-if its t-that hard to hold back the d-don't." I said and both of them started thrusting harder and faster. I moaned like crazy and held onto Knockout. Their grunts and my moans mixed with the sound of skin on skin contact. Eventually I threw my head back onto Bee's chest and he kissed me.

"Primus you feel so good!" Knockout said and I felt him burst inside of me. I moaned out loud as I came on Knockout. Bee pulled out while Knockout continued thrusting. Eventually he came inside of me making me glare at him.

"Im you are going to hate me if you get me pregnant Knockout." I said and he chuckled nervously.

"Sorry (Y/n)....but to be fair Bee may also have gotten you sparked as well. Some of his transfluids got on your port when he pulled out." Knockout said and I groaned.

"What ever......just.....please dont leave me.....i love both of you too much to lose you..." I said and looked down.

"Is that why you didnt want us to get you sparked? (Y/n) we would both love to have a family with you." Bee said and I turned my head to look at him.

"R-really?" I asked and he smiled.

"With out a doubt." "Absoulutly." They said at the same time. We all went to our room and cuddled after cleaning up from our actions. At least I know I won't lose them if I am pregnant.

Sorry its long but i hope you liked it! ☺

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