Episode 1

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Wood creaking, as in hurried steps men shuffle boxes around the house, blunt nails peaking out of the wooden floor, as shoes thumping on it is seen.

"Set those there, gently"

There stood a small male, with black-brown hair, his eyes scanning the whole house as men exit after setting boxes inside.

The whole house was- cramped, with boxes stuffing it almost whole, the bigger furniture, sofas and all, were already placed inside the normal sized house.

With a deep sigh, the short male begins to shuffle the bigger boxes around, the wood creaking as he walks on it, the silence making it even more audible.

He first begins to unbox the items, placing the smaller items first, starting with main area– the kitchen.

Shoving open the wooden door of the kitchen, the boy finds himself infront of a pretty impressing kitchen, he begins to look around, trying to get used to the findings.

Feeling bored, he begins to place the items on the counters, and then in the cupboards, filling them up, before moving o to the next tasks.


Few hours of cleaning, stuffing and settling the house, the young boy finishes the lower story of the house, meaning upstairs is still left- which is exhausting for a single person alone.

The male was about to pick a box up, and carry it to the upper portion, but the doorbeel rings making his head snap towards it, with an annoyed groan.

He drops the heavy box with a huff, wiping the sweat from his forehead, before walking towards the now clear doorway, and unlocks the door before opening it.

"Yes?"He calls out on a confused voice as the door slides open to reveal a tall male, about a two inches taller than him, or more.

He had a small smile plastered on his face, and he had his hands begin his back, fidgeting in his position.

"Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?"He asks, his voice worried making the smaller male shake his head, trying not to sound rude or anything. 

"Oh no you aren't, I was just unpacking and all"

"Oh yeah, you shifted here today, anyways nice to meet you, I'm Hyuk"He grins stretching a hand out for a shake, making the other bod, smiling as well

"Likewise, I'm Hoseok, I suppose we're neighbors?"He asks shaking the larger hand making the latter nod, slowly.

"Yeah we actually are, I live next door"

"That's good to know"

"I was wondering, since you probably have alot of work to do, can I help with the unpacking and all?"Hyuk asks with a nervous grin making Hoseok deny it.

"Oh no I'm fine, I'm almost done"He smiles assuring the other, though his body is aching.

"Alright then, if you need anything, I'm next door"

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