'What did.. Seiichiro do to Iisei? I need to find him! I have to!' 

'But what if I'm next??' 

'I'm scared of him.'

'Iisei is alone, though!'

The moment the both of you passed the door, your hands raised themselves, preparing to commit any potential actions toward Seiichiro. Pinching your eyes shut, the male turned around to look at you, but he was far too late. He was forced toward the wall while you pivoted your ankle to make a run for it. Instinctively, you searched for the closest room. Perhaps Neiji was near, and you wouldn't give up until you found him. 

Seiichiro seemed suprised. His eyes were wide.. not because you were trying to escape him, but because he thought you knew.

He thought you were aware. 

"[Y-Y/N]?? Are you alright? Why are you running?!" He'd shout. Meanwhile, you didn't say a word, not even a glance.

There it was. Up ahead. A single door.

It wasn't an exit, you knew that for sure; but a room you desperately wanted a person to be within. If Neiji hadn't been there.. you wouldn't know where else he'd be.

Perhaps in a body bag. 

Grabbing hold of the handle, you tried to open it, however before you could do so, a hand attacked your wrist. You were brought back swiftly, and it was at that moment that you started to realize how strong the male had been. "Ah-!" You shrieked, staggering back and into his arms. 

Seiichiro's eyes were frantic. "[Y/N]! [Y/N].. Please don't go in there.. I don't.. I don't want you to see me differently! You.. You won't love me!" It was known that he, too, felt terrified. But of what? What could've possibly made him feel that way?

You quickly shook your head in dismay. There was no way you'd listen to him. He seemed unabalanced, besides, the majority of you refused to trust him. Squirming relentlessly, you attempted to break free of his hold, but it only seemed he grew stronger. That's when a single move managed to control you.

Your elbow forced it's way back and towards his stomach, allowing Seiichiro's body to overcome with pain. His strain around you grew weaker, and this was an prime opportunity to get away.

You lunged forward, eyes brightening while feeling your hand twist the doorknob quickly. 'Iisei! Iisei..!' You thought happily. There wasn't any time to consider what would've been on the other side of the door. Either way, it was predisposed that it didn't ought to be good.

Seiichiro, still persistent, made a quick dart for you and pushed you against the opening door, allowing the both of you to collapse. He remained above your back, keeping your forehead pinned against the surface below. "Please.. don't look.."

"Don't look!"

"Don't look!"

"Don't look!"

"Don't look!"

"Don't look!"

"Ugh-! Get off of me! Iisei needs my help!" He was too heavy for you to even budge. You couldn't even move your head since his hand pinned your face down.

There was a sound that made everything go quiet. It was the sound of metallic clanking. Chains. No matter how much you wanted to see, you couldn't.

It was as if your desires became known. What satisfied your curiosity turned out to be a voice. A low one.


That glowing face of yours gradually decreased into a look of horror. Everything became a canvas of obscurity, and as you laid there.. the familiar tone took it's time to be evaluated for recognition. A look of confusion englufed you. "Wha.. What..?" 

You knew who it belonged to.

Tears filled your sockets. The stench filling your nose was to no help either.  You realized by the uplift of pressure that Seiichiro's hand move itself away from your head, giving you the time to slowly look at him from the corner of your eye. While doing this, you felt as though your heart had stopped beating completely.

The male gazed at you, as his previous afraid look vanished beneath a steely, murderous expression. He only stared, as if there wasn't nothing more to do.

That voice.. it... it wasn't Neiji's.

"Se-Seiichiro... who.. is that?" You choked out. Despite calmly asking, there still wasn't a response from him. The silence made matters worse. You didn't want to deny it, nor did you want to believe it.

The voice belonged to Seiichiro.

[Chapter END]

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