Part 1 Gotham

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It was a dark and stormy night in Gotham city as nearly all nights were and as a shadowed figure was out on patrol lurking over a rooftop he happened to notice a group of thugs approaching an innocent couple halfway through there date in the middle of the park as clouds were beginning to cover the brightly lit moonlight. 

"Ha ha so did you enjoy our time alone together" the man said staring at the girl he loves.

"What kind of question is that of course I did I mean with work always piling up I rarely get the chance to spend any quality time together with you at all you know, that why I am grateful were together now" the girl said with a smile on her face. "And I just know that nothing could ruin this for us."

Before she could say anything else at that moment 4 thugs showed up with guns in there hands and a crookedly evil smile on there faces showing there greed and lust for money plain as day. 

 At the very next second one of them stepped forward while saying "Well well look what we have here boys a couple of love birds all alone on this dark night right for the taking ha ha" now aware of the situation that he was in the man stood in front of his love in order to protect her from the thugs in front of them while quietly shaking himself from behind.

"You 2 hand over all the valuable possessions that you have on you and don't try to be a hero okay, incase you forgot were not here to play around so no funny business ya hear" said the thug holding a gun while wearing a gloating grin from ear to ear.

As they were being threatened while shaking all over from the fright that they were experiencing first hand a small object hit the back of a thug in the head causing him to lose balance and firing up in the air harmlessly hitting nothing except some leaves at the top of a tree. 

"What the hell".

Before anyone could react in time a figure dressed in black came out of knowhere punching one of the thugs in the head causing severe pain and taking him down as fast as the masked man had appeared. Next was the second thug and he got taken down by being kicked in the face and and his arm being popped out of his socket, while screaming in pain the third thug was injected with fear while firing all around to try to hit what was taking them out one by one. With no such luck a strike to the back of his head/neck knocked him right out and as he fainted the shadowy figure made him self known to the last and remaining thug while the top half of his body was still covered by the alarming shadows. 

"St... stay back unless you want anything to happen to these people" the final thug said as he was cowering behind them while pointing his gun at there backs.

After 20 or so seconds had passed the figure dressed in black spoke "I am going to give you one chance surrender now or I am going to break every bone in your body starting with your arms".

As the thug decided what to do he pushed the couple to the side causing them to fall on the ground and at that very next moment he was firing until his gun had emptied out all of the bullets that were inside. As he shot in the direction of were the voice came from a small object in the shape of a bat was launched into the forehead of the thug causing it to stun him so he could get taken down with a series of punches to his head, stomach and limbs knocking him out cold in only a matter of mere seconds.

As the colour returned to there face from receiving that shock the couple stood up and glared at the figure bathed in darkness however as the skies cleared of all those blinding clouds what was known to be the dark figure was actually Batman scaring and terrorizing crime in his city.

"You 2 should hurry back home it's not safe for the 2 of you to be out here right now" after a moment of silence that was all Batman had to say after cuffing the thugs and leaving them for the GCPD to take away. 

"Ri... right and... thank you for saving us truly we appreciate it". Said the man while stuttering to find his words and holding his beloveds hand, with that out of the way Batman shot a grappling hook at the top of a building and zipped through the air getting back to his patrol.

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