"No, we still have a few minutes until we get into downtown." Anna laughed quietly. 

Gabe groaned. "Ugh, wake me up when we get to the University." He said, resuming his previous position.


"I think I'm gonna throw up." Cas looked at the sign in table, his face pale. 

Gabe jerked away from him. "Don't do it here, I just bought these pants." 

Anna shot him a look and rubbed Castiel's back comfortingly. "You'll be fine, kiddo. Let's get you signed in." She ushered him towards the folding table covered in stickers and pamphlets. 

"Name?" One of the girls at the table looked up at him from her laptop. She had lime green hair in a chic undercut, an exorbitant amount of piercings, and enough plaid on her to make a bagpiper jealous.

"Castiel Novak." He said, fiddling with his guitar straps. 


He looked at her. "What?" He asked.

"Instrument? Guitar?" She asked pointing at the PRS case on his back. 

"Ah, no, viola." He said, holding up the small, black case. 

She nodded, typing furiously. When she was finished, she glanced up, smiling at him. "They'll call you when they're ready. Nice jacket, by the way." She grinned at the studded leather jacket that was his pride and joy. 

"Thanks!" he said cheerfully, raising an eyebrow at Gabe who merely rolled his eyes. 


The three sat in a hallway of the music building of the University of Kansas, Cas and Anna going in between reading and chatting quietly, while Gabe flipped through the school literature he picked up from the table where Castiel signed in. 

"Their string program looks PITIFUL, Cas." He mumbled, lazily flipping through the colorful pages. 

"Gabriel!" Anna whisper-yelled, smacking his arm over Cas's lap. He shrugged. 

"What? I'm just saying." He mumbled. 

Castiel looked at him incredulously. "I'm trying to give myself a better chance in the music industry, look,  they have so much more than just performance-" He said, pointing out the majors in the brochure. 

"FILM scoring? Electronic Production? You've never even expressed interest in any of that." Gabe said, fully on the defensive. 

"Well maybe I'll like it. I don't know." Castiel mumbled quietly, not in the mood for this battle. 

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Gabe huffed. 

"Oh my GOOODDD, we've been waiting for-EVER" He said, deflating in his chair. 

They had, upon Anna's insistence, arrived an hour and a half early for Castiel's audition. According to the forums she had been reading for the last month, slots turned up empty in the audition schedule for one reason or another, and things went faster than planned. Today, However, was not one of those days. They were an hour behind, meaning that the two hours they had sat in the waiting room was time enough for the rising steam of Castiel's nerves to fizzle off. 

"My god, Gabriel, it's fine. I told you you should've brought a book or something." Anna said, reading glasses low on her nose as she glanced over at her brother with annoyance. 

Castiel giggled. "They're probably going to call me into the warm-up room soon."

"I still think it's ridiculous that I can't come with you to warm up. Can I at least check your strings before you go in?" Gabe huffed. 

"You've already checked them like six times, and NO, I don't need you smacking my wrists while I'm trying to warm-up." Castiel said, flicking his brother in the forehead. 

"Castiel Novak?" A man with long hair and a worn-out Steely Dan t-shirt came out into the hallway, looking around expectantly. Cas stood, palms beginning to sweat as he picked up his instruments. He walked forward to greet the man. 

"That's me." He said, laughing nervously. 

The man nodded, smiling at him and leading him down a new hallway. "Hey, PRS, nice. Which model?" He asked. 

"Mira." Cas said anxiously. 

The man laughed heartily. "YES, I love the Mira, I played one on tour with Trampled Trixies last year. Smooth as butter." 

He let out a sigh of relief. He hoped everyone judging his audition was a cool old band guy like this one. 


He walked out, feeling adrenaline rushing through him. Anna and Gabe turned to him, both wide eyed and eager to hear what happened. 

"How did it go?!" "How did you do?" They both said, grabbing his arms. 

"I did...okay? I think?" He said, shrugging, causing both of them to groan. 

"DETAILS, CASTIEL." Gabe shook his shoulders. 

Castiel laughed, walking towards the front and waving goodbye to the girl at the front desk with the lime green hair. "I'll tell you in the car, but I'm starving. Let's get lunch first."  

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