Chapter Four

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Okay so it has been a really long time since I've uploaded. I had writers block and I've been super busy with school and everything. Well I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter. It is filled with emotional drama just to forewarn you. 

Vote and comment! Thanks to everybody that's reading this! 


This couldn’t be happening. They got it wrong. It isn’t the truth; this is some kind of practical joke. These were the thoughts that had consumed me as I fell to the floor. The tears soaked my face. Why was this happening to me? This had to of been some kind of cruel joke. My mother was in the hospital. She was in critical condition. Some jackass ran her off the road. Her car flipped over and it just kept rolling. It stopped once it hit a tree. It took about five firemen to cut her out of the car. She might die.

“Can you please take me to her?” I was finally able to get out.

The police officer looked down at me and nodded. He didn’t say a word. He just stretched out his hand waiting for me to take it. I took it and he helped to pull me off the ground. Principal Reynolds handed me a tissue. I used it to wipe away the tears that had fallen. What is everybody going to think when I walk out into the hallway?

“Has class started yet?” I wondered.

I didn’t want anybody to see me like this. What would they think? My reputation would be ruined, possibly. People would start rumors that I got arrested for dealing drugs or sleeping with a teacher. I’ve never in my life done either of those two things but this school was vicious.

“Yes, you have nothing to worry about Mrs. Barnes.” Principal Reynolds replied.

I nodded my head and allowed the police officers to escort me out of the principal’s office. The hallway was deserted, not even Logan was waiting for me. I was thankful for that, I know that we’re best friends and everything but I don’t want him seeing me like this.

The ride to the hospital was terrible. I kept thinking about the worse. What if my mother dies before I get to the hospital? God, I can’t believe this is happening. My first day of senior year and my mother is in the hospital. I couldn’t help the tears that started to fall from my face yet again. I hugged my knees to my chest and leaned against the seat as the tears started to fall faster.

“We’re here.” The police officer said as he pulled to a stop.

“Th-thank you.” I said rushing out of the car.

I ran into the hospital, the smell of disinfectant entered my nose. I ignored the stinging sensation that tickled my nostrils. People were sitting in the lobby, some were crying out of grief and others just had worry written across their face. Finally I reached the front desk. The nurse was on the phone and I started to slam my hand down on the desk. She looked up at me like she was annoyed.

“Can you hold for one second?” she spoke into the phone, “thank you, sir.”

The nurse laid the phone down on her shoulder and looked at me. I could tell she was annoyed but I was impatient.

“Can I help you?” her tone had made me want to punch her.

“Can you please tell me where Caroline Barnes is? I’m her daughter.” I spoke fast but she understood me.

“She is in the ICU, third floor, room 315.”

I thanked her and ran to the elevator. I kept punching the elevator button hoping that the elevator would come faster but eventually it did. I barreled in and pressed 3 and then pressed the button to close the door repeatedly. Finally the doors had closed and I was on my way to the third floor.

The elevator music wasn’t helping my current mood. I was terrified. What if my mom dies? What would I do? Sure I’d have my father, best friends and my brother but that’s not enough. I needed my mother. She was my rock. The person that I talked to about everything, she knew me better than I knew myself.

The door opened and I practically ran into the front desk. “Room 315 please.” I asked the nurse and she pointed down the hallway.

I ran down the hallway. I had to get to my mother. I needed for her to be alive. I couldn’t let her die. I wasn’t paying attention when I ran straight into someone. I was barreling straight towards the ground when a pair of strong arms caught me. When I looked up I found a gorgeous doctor. He had beautiful green eyes that complimented his messy brown hair.

“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. I’m trying to find room 315. Can you point me to where it is?” I asked him as he helped me back up.

“Oh are you Heather? Mrs. Barnes’s daughter?” the handsome doctor asked.

“Y-yes, who are you?” I wondered

“I’m your mothers’ doctor. I’m Dr. Clayton.” I tried to contain the tears that were about to fall.

“How is she? Is she still alive?” I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“She is in critical condition still. She needs a blood transfusion but even that may not be enough.” He paused and looked into a room, “She has three broken ribs, internal bleeding, a broken leg, a head contusion and her liver is failing. Even if she makes it through the surgery there is a slim chance of her survival.”

This time the tears fell and I couldn’t control them. I backed up against the wall and had started to slide down. A pair of strong hands went around my shoulders and then I was pulled into a broad chest. I let the tears fall faster and I couldn’t even stop the tears from falling.

Why was this happening? I was about to lose the person that I loved more than anything else in this world. I can’t handle this. 

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