Chapter 21 Morning cuddles and kisses

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*Jins pov*

I open my eyes and immediately squinted because the sun was shining through my window on my face. I let my eyes adjust to the brightness of the light, as I try to move I feel arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder. I look down and see Yoongi still fast asleep on my shoulder. He's snoring softly, I smile at how cute he looks. Looking at his fluffy hair I'm tempted to run my hand through it. I give in to my temptations and play with his hair. It's so soft. He stirs and adjusts himself, his head is now snuggled into the crook of my neck and his legs are tangled with mine.

I look to the side where the alarm clock is sitting on the nightstand. I try to look at the time without waking the sleeping beauty on my chest. I move slowly and turn my neck a little more. I'm finally at an angle where I can read the red numbers on the display, it says 7.32 am. Well it's time to get up and start making breakfast. I'm not letting the others near the kitchen unsupervised. That is a mistake I will never make again. I softly shake my head at the thought. I try really hard to move out of Yoongi's hold without waking him up. He stirs as I try pulling my arm from underneath him. I look at his face and see that he is starting to wake up. 'Great work Jin now you woke him up.' I scold myself.

He blinks and lets out a groan, I smile at his kitten-like behaviour. He tries to stretch himself and looks at me in shock. He looks confused and a little frightened, it's so adorable I let out a giggle.

"Good morning Yoongi-ah." I smile looking down at him. I meet his half open eyes and shy smile. He mumbles something I don't quite catch, I look at him and caress his cheek.

"What did you say sweetie?" I ask softly not wanting to scare the kitten-like boy. He turns to me but looks down and says it a little louder, loud enough for me to understand it.

"Why did you move?" He replies

I adjust my body to make it easier to look at him. His cheeks turn a soft pink.

"I was planning on making some breakfast, but if you don't want to have fresh baked pancakes then I would love to keep cuddling here with you." As I'm talking I see his eyes widen. He immediately sits up and is about to turn away, but before doing that he quickly kisses my cheek and turns more red and runs to his closet to get some clothes.

I feel my cheeks heating up as well. I shake my head and walk to the door to go make some breakfast in the kitchen. I walk through the hallway as I remember the crazy loud noises from the room across from mine. I shiver at the thoughts but who knows what happened. I don't know if I wanna know. Shaking my head I decide to stop thinking about it and go make pancakes for all my boys.

As I'm cooking the last pancakes I feel a pair of arms around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. I turn my head and I'm met with a pair of lips on mine. He pulls away quickly and apologises, I see it's Namjoon. My cheeks heat up again, but I smile. I really should get used to this, I think to myself.

"Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin will be a little later for breakfast. They had a rough night." He says with a smirk and a wink. I shiver but reply it's okay and told him I'd leave some food for them in the fridge.

'What happened last night...'

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