The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (Season 1) Review

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A/N: after finally finishing it, I think it's time to do a little review for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.

A/N: after finally finishing it, I think it's time to do a little review for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

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* The people who worked on this film did an amazing job being able to capture the designs and puppetry very much like the original film.

* The settings are just as amazing as always.

* There's a lot more creatures in this series with a lot of unique designs.

* The scenes in this series are are very well colored and lit.

*While the music isn't on the same level as the film, it's still very enjoyable and sounds amazing.

* There is of course a usage of CGI. But, it actually blends pretty well with this if I'm honest.

* Much like Before, The Skeksis were entertaining villains. With skekSo, skekSil, skekTek, skekGra (the fun Skeksis) and skekMal being my favorites.

* I like how there's no One Main Gelfing character and it focuses on different Gelfings in each different tribe.

* The deaths in this series are a lot more brutal than what happened in the original film

* Aughra is just as funny as ever while also playing a bit more serious role in the series.

* The moments between SkekGra and UrGoh are priceless.

* The battles in the series were very intense, action packed and at times, emotional.

* The Introduction of the Garthim during the last moments of the final episode does a good job setting up part of Season 2 and The eventually Garthim war.


* Despite the emotional attachment to some of the Gelfing characters, the original film makes it clear that none of them will make it out alive near the very end.

* The moment of the fat Skeksis taking a piss on the wall didn't really seem like it needed to be seen "close"

This shows was a fantastic prequel series to the original 1982 film. Excellent puppetry, amazing settings, great music and a graphic and dare I say, more darker version of the dark crystal than even the movie. 

9/10. I certainly look forward to Season 2. And considering that the team that worked on this show will be working on the Dinosaur Animatronics for Jurassic World 3, I definitely look forward to that in the future as well.

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