The Most Over-Dramatic Reaction I've ever seen

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A/N: so yeah, I was scowling through Youtube and found this from 2017. It was a reaction to the Kaiju Girls comic, which around the time, when it was announced, a few kaiju fans started flipping their shit over it.

However, this has to be the most Over-Dramatic Reaction to It I've ever seen on this.

First off, Jesus Christ dude, how about not screeching in the damn microphone. 

That attempted mimic of Alex's voice to try and make him sound like a retard was just awful uneded.

The is a differences between having Lewd content and straight up Hentai. Lewd content can extend to simply showing off certain exposed body parts without anything sexual going on. Hentai on the other hand is a much different ball part and can go to some real big heights.

Also really? You're really pulling out that "This is FNAF Furry Content" Bullshit that get thrown around at just about ANY AND ALL  anthropomorphic animals, animals with humanoid bodies (you know, LIKE A FUCKING WEREWOLF?!) or Humans with animal like features.

And lastly, these kinds of people act like this shit hasn't happened before. Except here's the reality for them. It has, WAY BEFORE KAIJU GIRLS WAS EVEN CREATED!

Three examples:


(Art belongs to gamerag3 on Deviantart)

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(Art belongs to gamerag3 on Deviantart).

First released on June 3rd, 2014.


(Art Belongs to ultimateEman on Deviantart)

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(Art Belongs to ultimateEman on Deviantart).

First Released on August 1st, 2015.


(Art belongs to WolfzBlood on Deviantart)

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(Art belongs to WolfzBlood on Deviantart).

First Released on December 25, 2005. 

Two Thousand and Fucking Five and I'm sure there's more even before than year. Yet when we get this shit popping up now a days, people be like: UGH, WHAT IS THIS?! AHHH, THIS IS CRINGE! THIS IS SICK, GODZILLA WAS NEVER DONE LIKE THIS BY ANYONE!!!

I swear, we live in a fucking society where seeing fan art of a female version of something is easily able to trigger someone.

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