Why Are Most OC Designs almost Always called "Deviantart OCs"

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A/N: Yeah, I was one twitter and I found at least that one of those comments I'm getting so fucking tired of that's so overused.

Now a days when we have fan animations that use the "ThEsE aRe DeViAnTaRt OcS" card as if it holds any relevance. 

 Seriously, anything fan made (2D or 3D) with characters who have certain designs to them get thrown that dumbass line.

When an anime or an official cartoon series does an outrageous or extreme design for a character, hardly many people bad an eye.

 When a fan animation does something like that, they always have to bring deviantart in some way, shape or form like it's a fucking requirement.

People are Okay with this:

People are Okay with this:

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(Not bashing on these, just using these as an example)

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(Not bashing on these, just using these as an example).

But, compares these to fucking deviantart despite the fact that they were very likely not made on that site:

But, compares these to fucking deviantart despite the fact that they were very likely not made on that site:

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This is honestly just as stupid as those people who will call any and all anthropamorpic animal or humanoids with animal features "furrys" or strong female character a "Mary Sue".

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