Possible Black Pather 2 and Captain Marvel 2 Sub Titles

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A/N: just some news I picked up on a while ago about the sub titles for two sequel films.

First there's the second Black Panther Film. It's possible sub title being "Lost Kingdom.

This next sub title I had to look around carefully for any other articles that WEREN'T  WeGotThisCovered. I was finally able to find a few other articles that brought up this possible name and so I guess I'm good.

Anyway. There are no videos on it yet. But, the possible sub title for the second Captain Marvel film is "Secret Invasion". Which makes sense provided Far From Home's After Credits scene.

And If I remember correctly there were Members of the Kree who appeared on earth in Agents of S.H.E.L.D. so there's that as well.

(Though I can't exactly remember if that show was considered non canon with the Netflix shows).

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