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Briana sighed to herself as she got to the graveyard and smiled as she sat in front of her parents grave with autumn "I know it's been a while guys, I just got caught up. I brought autumn. You would love her and I know that you wouldn't approve of Warren mum, I know that you would do all that you can to keep us apart but I love him more than anything. He proposed to me, this man, this amazing man who I have been through a lot with wants to marry me and all I can think is why. Why would he want to marry me for, he's just great" Briana said as she held autumn as she fussed in her arms. Briana sighed to herself as she sat autumn on her knee and smiled as she held her close "it's going to be okay" Briana said as she placed autumn in the push chair and sighed as Leela walked over and smiled

"Can you believe it's been a year" Leela asked as Briana looked to her and smiled "I know it seems like it was no time at all, I still can't believe it" she said as Leela looked to her and smiled "I know, I just blame myself for Cameron I'd just love to know where he is so I can know why" Leela said as Briana smiled guilty. She knew where he was and how warren had killed him and how she and warren had hid the body. Briana Knew that he had got everything that deserved. He had killed her parents and she was glad he was dead but she felt bad for lying to Leela and Peri nut Briana knew that she had to keep warren out of jail and to protect her family that they created together


Briana got back to the village and smiled as she saw Kennedy. Kennedy sat with her and smiled "are you okay?" Kennedy asked as Briana looked to her and smiled "warren proposed, and I freaked. All I can think of is why does he want to marry me for" Briana said as Kennedy looked to her and smiled "well look at you, you are stunning that's why, anyone can see how much he loved you. And who would of thought that you were the one who could tame him I mean warren fox getting married isn't something that you are the one that he wants to settle down with you" Kennedy said as Briana looked to her and smiled "yeah I guess that your right" Briana said


Briana got back to the flat and smiled as she saw warren. She looked to him and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled "I guess so, did you mean it over marrying me" she asked as he walked over to her and smirked as he grabbed her waist "well I don't go and propose to every girl" he said as she looked to him and smiled "okay, let do it let's get married" she said as he pulled her close and kissed her passionately

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