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Briana woke up and frowned as she realised that warren wasn't there again. She groaned to herself and sat up as she ran her hands through her hair. She was getting sick and tired of it. She never seemed to see him and she couldn't remember the last time that they had sex. Briana picked up autumn from her got and lay her in bed next to her with a few of her toys. She looked to her and smiled as she saw warrens eyes looking back at her as she looked to autumn. She was definitely his daughter. Briana sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed as she sent warren a text asking him where he was and sent Kennedy one asking her to meet. Kennedy needed to talk to someone over her and warren and she knew that Kennedy was always there for her and she knew that she couldn't talk to Leela or ate as she knew just how they felt over warren.

Briana met kennedy at the bean as she ordered herself a coffee and s cake for autumn. She sat with Kennedy and sighed as Kennedy looked to her and smiled as she sat with Emilie "so what's he done now" Kennedy asked as Briana looked to her and smirked knowing that she knew that it was about warren "it's more like what hasn't he done. I feel like a single mother, i only see him in bed at stupid o'clock and that's it. He's distant and I couldn't tell you the last time I had sex, I miss him and I'm worried. What if there is someone else" Briana said as Kennedy looked to her and smiled "you need to talk to him, I know that you love him but you really need you talk to him before you loose him" Kennedy said as Briana looked to her and smiled knowing she was right.


Later that day, Briana got back to the flat and frowned as she saw warren. She heard him yelling on the phone before he hung up as she looked to him and smiled "is everything okay" she asked as he looked to her and nodded "Its fine, just stock takers taking the mick" he said as she looked to him and smiled "come here" he said as she walked over to him as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled "it's okay, I know your upset over Tegan and everything but it will be okay" he said as she looked to him and smiled "I kissed you, I feel as if your not here" she said as he looked to her and smiled "I know but from now on it's going to change, okay?" He said as she looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her "go have a bath and I'll look after autumn" he said as Briana nodded.

Warren watched as she walked into the bathroom and heard the water running as he picked up autumn a kissed her cheek as he dialled on his phone "yeah it's me, this is off. Briana can't know what happened. She can't know what I did" he said as he hung up but just what was warren hiding?

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