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Briana woke up and she felt a pain, she knew she needed to go to the hospital and get checked out. Warren had left early for work, Briana stood from the bed and got dressed. She grabbed her phone off of the side and slid it in her pocket as she headed to the hosptial. Briana walked into the hospital and placed a hand on her side "theres something wrong with my baby" briana said "take a seat and we will see you as soon as we can" briana nodded as she took a seat, she felt anxious. She sat in her seat and rubbed ehr belly "stay strong baby,for mummy" briana said, she was terrifed. Briana felt uneasy as a oldish man in a suit walked in "everybody stay where they are" he said as he waved a gun around. Briana gulped the lump in her throat, she thought she was going to die and it terrifed her. Briana stood from her seat, she walked away from the man, even if it meant having her life in danger. She walked down the hall and pulled out her phone "warren, i need your help, call me" briana said as she left him a message.

Briana walked into a lift and pressed the open button, she knew she needed to keep herself safe, no matter what it took. The lift started to move but it stopped half way up. Briana didnt think anthing of it, knowing that it was an old lift. Briana's phone rng and she picked it up "hello?" "bri, i got your message whats gonig on?" warren asked "im at the hospital, theres a mad man keeping everyone hostage, you have to help me" briana said as she started to cry. "whats wrong? are you okay,babe, im on my way" warren siad "its the baby, i think the stress is getting too much" "bri, why didnt you tell me" warren asked as the lift dropped slightly "bri? still there" warren asked "im in a lift, its...theres something not right with it, i dont know what, its dropping" briana said "get out of there now" warren said as briana went to open the doors off the lift "they wont open" briana said as she felt the lift drop slightly "im scared" "just try and get out of there" warren siad, he felt useless, he felt that there was nothing he could do. Briana's phone beeped, she had lost service "warren? damn ti" briana said as she tried to open the doors. 

She cold hear voices fro mthe other side of the lift "any one there?" Briana heard leela say "leela?" briana yelled "bri? is that you" leela asked "leela, im stuck, i cant get out" briana said as she started to cry "dont worry, ill get you out i promise" leela siad as briana heard the lfit creaky from above her. She placed her arms around herself as if trying to protect the baby when the lift creaked one more time, but the cord snapped and the left fell to the basement. Briana screamed as she fell with the lift, as the lift landed in the basement, briana lay in it, her body lifeless. "briana" leela yelled, wishing her little sister was still alive.

Meeting her match (hollyoaks fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora