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Briana frowned to herself as she woke up and realised that she had slept later that usual. She looked to see that Warren was up and the cot was empty and smiled as she realised that he had left her in bed as he attended to Autumn. Briana got dressed and walked through the flat and saw Warren who was in the kitchen, cooking. She looked to see Autumn who was on his hip. She smiled as she looked to their father daughter bond that was so strong already “hey" Briana said as Warren turned to face her and smiled “hey, I made breakfast. Did you sleep okay?” he asked as she smiled “I did" she said as she walked over to him and kissed him. He placed a hand on her hip and pulled her to him as he deepened the kiss and pulled away and smiled to her “I made you breakfast" he said as she smiled to him and took autumn from him. Autumn looked to her and smiled as she babbled away.

Briana smiled to her as she took a seat as Warren handed her a plate of pancakes. She looked to him and smiled as they started to eat breakfast “I could get use to this, us, our own little family" Briana said as Warren looked to her and chuckled “me too" he said as there was a knock at the door. They looked to each other and frowned as Warren stood up and walked to the door where they saw the police “Warren fox, I am arresting you on suspicion of murder" they said as they handcuffed hi. Briana picked up Autumn as she started to cry. Warren looked to Briana and smiled as he saw how she was slowly freaking out “it will be okay, find James" he said as Briana nodded.


Briana had dropped Autumn off with leela before she walked off to James flat. She was buzzed in and looked to him and sighed “I don’t care what you have to do, what strings you have to pull. Put I need you to get my fiancée, the father of my child out of jail. He has been arrested and I know that he is innocent and I can’t loose him, I won’t loose a him" Briana said as she handed him an envelope full of cash. He looked through it and then looked to her and nodded “I’ll sort it, I promise" he said as she nodded.

Briana sat in the flat and looked to her phone as Kennedy walked in.  She looked to Briana and smiled slightly as she took a seat next to her “I heard about Warren, I wanted to see how you are?” Kennedy asked as Briana sighed and looked to her “I just..I can’t loose him" Briana said as Kennedy smiled to her as Briana looked to her with tears in her eyes “he is the one, I love him so much and he’s always there for me and loved me not matter what and now it’s my turn to be there for him" Briana said as Kennedy hugged her and Smiled “ it will be okay, it’s Warren he had to be fine, the police are just looking to pin it on him" Kennedy said ad Briana nodded. She knew Warren had killed for her and was scared that she was going to loose him.


Briana stood outside of the police station as she settled Autumn off to sleep. She looked up and saw Warren as he walked out of the station “hey baby" he said as she ran over to him and kissed him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him as he pulled away and looked to her and smiled as he rested a hand in her cheek “are we?” “we're okay, np one knows anything and they never will" Warren said as she looked to him and smiled.

Meeting her match (hollyoaks fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu