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Briana frowned as she woke up in bed and realised that she was alone. She sighed to herself as she stood from the bed and asked through the flat. She smiled as she saw autumn who sat in her high chair and smiled as she kissed the top of her head and smiled

"how's my girl" Briana Asked as autumn giggled. Briana looked to where warren was and sighed. She knew that he hadn't been himself lately and she was worried as she knew warren and she knew that when he was like this was when he was up to something and it worried her

"is everything okay" Briana asked as warren looked to her and smiled

"of course why wouldn't they be" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I dunno I just feel like something is up and I know you warren. Look I don't know what it is and I don't want to we keep that part private and it's for the best just promise me that you aren't up to something stupid that could see you arrested" Briana said as warren looked to her and smiled as he pulled her close and kissed her "you don't need to worry okay" he said as she looked to him and smiled
Briana walked through the village with autumn as she tried to get her off to sleep. She smiled as she saw Kennedy who walked over and smiled

"you look dreadful" Kennedy said as Briana looked to her and rolled her eyes

"well thanks I have felt better. She's teething and warren went off to do something and I don't know what. I don't know what he's been doing lately but I am worried he's up to something dodgy and it will only be so long before he's arrested" Briana said as Kennedy looked to her and smiled

"you don't need to be upset. I know your worried but warren isn't an idiot and he won't do anything to risk you or autumn or your family I mean he is probably up to something but that's him. Just talk to him and sort it out okay as he loved you and you don't want to loose him over something as stupid as this. He's a good man and a good dad and you have nothing to worry over" Kennedy said as Briana looked to her and smiled hoping that she was right as she felt as if he was keeping something from her

Briana walked into the flat and looked as she saw warren and frowned

"what's going on here" Briana asked as she looked to see the flat candlelit as he looked to her and smiled

"well I thought I'd treat you Kennedy is watching Autumn and I have been wanting to do something for a while. But a lot has happened and I want to do this right" warren said as he got down on one knee as she looked to him and frowned, she was shocked and couldn't believe what she was seeing

"Briana lomax. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?" He asked as she stood in shock not believing what she was seeing.

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