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Briana woke up and groaned, she glanced around to see that she wasn't in her bed and smirked as she remembered what had happened the night before. She sat up and wrapped the blankets around her named body, as warren walked into the room "hey,I want a coffee how do you take it" warren asked "milk, two sugars" Briana said as she placed a hand on her head, her hangover was killing her, she couldn't believe just how drunk she had gotten. "Here you go" warren said as he handed her the cup. Briana took the cup and held it in her hands "so, last night" warren asked as Briana leant her head back "your telling me" "bad head?" Warren asked "yeah you could say that" Briana said as warren smirked moving his hand to her thigh "I know a way to sort a bad head out" warren said and Briana smirked as she looked to him, he had a pair of black boxers on and nothing else, briana bit her lip and looked at him "oh yeah?" Briana said as she placed her cup on the side and held the sheet over him before she moved across the bed and wrapped her arms around his waist. The sheet dropped leaving her naked body in front of him. Warren smirked as he felt himself getting hard, as he ran a hand down the side of the body "your so fucking hot" warren said as he pressed her naked body into the mattress, straddling her.

Briana moaned as she felt warrens manhood pressed against her thigh. She wanted him and wanted him now. Briana flipped them so she was straddling him "this rather defies a one night stand doesn't it?" she asked as she began to play with his member "course it does" warren replied. Briana grinned and got herself on warrens hardened member. Warren rolled his eyes back as briana rode him "mmm Bri" he moaned. Briana smirked. She loved that she was causing him so much pleasure "yeah...say my name" she teased as she rolled her head back as warren ran his hands over her bare body.Briana got dressed and stood in her clothes from the night before when warren walked over to her wrapping his arms around her "seeing you in that dress, makes me want you all over again" warren said as he kissed her neck causing briana to moan "maybe next time" briana said "so theres a next time" warren asked "i bloody well hope so" briana said.


Briana walked back to the Lomax's but she stopped at the bottom of the steps when she seen Cameron "oh great" she mumbled "where have you been" Cameron asked "none of your business...your not my dad, I don't have to answer to you" briana said "well, when your under eighteen you answer to me, your staying in my house" Cameron said and briana glared "your house? no, its my parents house, you know the parents you killed, I know what you did and im going to proof it" briana spat. Warren walked out of the flat, and smirked as he spotted briana, he frowned as he noticed that she was arguing with someone and walked over to her direction "your nothing but a cheap slapper briana" Cameron said and warren punched him and he fell to the ground "are you okay" warren asked "im fine" briana said smiling "come on" warren said taking her hand and leading her off towards the loft.

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