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Briana lead warren back to the flat. She noticed his bloody knuckle and ran a finger over it "that looks painful" Briana said as he flinced "come here" Briana said as she lead warren over to the kitchen. So that she could lean up his knuckle. She bandaged up his hand, and he smiled at her "he's not worth it you know" Briana said as she looked to warren. Warren loomed at her deep in the eyes and placed a hand on her cheek. "I know bri, but he insulted you, no one ever insults you and lives to get away with it. Your my girl" Warren said as he kissed her lips. Briana smiled as she wrapped her arms against Warren and pushed him back against the sofa. He smirked at her as she pulled off her top and straddled his waist and placed her hands on his face kissing him. Briana rested her head against his "I love you" Briana said and warren smirked "I love you too" he said before he flipped her so that her back was against the sofa. He smirked at her as he undid her jeans and pulled them off of her. Warren stripped off before grabbing a condom, he slid it on and pushed into Briana. She dug her nails into his back as he moved in and out of her at a fast pace. Briana moaned loudly as warren bite into her neck, she could feel herself getting close.
Brianna rolled her eyes back in her head as the door opened "crap" warren said as he pulled out of her and grabbed a cushion covering himself. Briaian grabbed a blanket off of the back of the sofa covering herself and looked to see her brother

"Ste? What the hell?" Briana said as ste  glared "what the hell, bri. Your messing on with him, your ruining your life. Dad would be so proud" ste said as Briana hung her head. She barely thought of her parents since they past. "What do you want" warren asked "leela wants you home, she wants to talk to you" ste said before he walked off. Briana sighed and lay back onto the sofa groaning to herself.

Leela looked at Briana as she walked on "so your still alive?" Leela asked and Briana rolled her eyes "obviously" "you've been spending a lot of time with warren" leela said and briana  sighed "He's a good guy Lee, I love him. Why don't you get to know him. Maybe we could invite him over for tea or something" Briana said and leeka sighed "okay. Tomorrow night?" Leeks asked and Briana nodded. She pulled out her phone and send a text to warren asking him to come around to dinner.

The following night, Briana answered the door as Warren arrived. "Hi" Briana said. Warren smiled at her as he handed her some flowers "for me?" "Of course" warren said and Briana smiled as leeks walked down the stairs "I brought some wine" he is as he handed it to leela "thank you" leela said. They all sat down for dinner. Warren sat next to briana "so warren what are you intentions with my little sister" ste asked "I intend to love her to my last breathe" warren said and Briana smiled at him. Thinking that with ad to be the sweetest thing he had ever said to her. Briana took a drink of wine "what about kids" teagan asked causing Briana to choke on her drink "maybe one day I want to spend as much time with her as possible" warren said as Briana smiled. Her sister and brother smoked, they seemed to have excepted the fact Briana was happy with warren and he had changed for her.

Briana's phone buzzed and she grabbed it to see a text from Cameron ; your as good as dead. That's a promise.
Briana paled as warren looked at her "you okay bri?" He asked and Briana locked her phone thinking nothing off the text "yeah" she said. She didn't want to tell warren about the texts, she thought it was one of his games.

Meeting her match (hollyoaks fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin