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Briana woke up and frowned to herself as she realised that the bed was empty. She found a note on the bedside and similes as she realised that warren had gone to the garage early. She sat up and smiled as she saw autumn who was awake and babbling away in her crib "hey baby, are you hungry?" Briana asked autumn who looked to her and smiled as Briana picked her up and started to breastfeed her as she sat back on the bed. She grabbed her phone off of the side and smiled as she sent Leela a text. She was still worried over ste and Ryan and she knew that they needed to stick together.

Briana got to garage and smiled as she saw warren who was working on a car shirtless. She smirked to herself as she stood watching him as he turned and spotted her and smirked to her "and what are you looking at you dork?" He asked as she looked to him and chuckled "so nice" she said as she walked over to him and wrapped his arms around his neck as he pulled her close and kissed her. She kissed him passionately as she ran her hands through his hair and moaned into the kiss. Warren pulled away and smiled to Briana and frowned as he noticed how off that she was "what is it?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled "nothing" "Briana I want to look after you and I can't of you don't tell me" he said as she sighed and looked to him "it's ste he's using again and he's with Ryan I really think he might kill himself this time or he will end up in jail by being with Ryan and I don't know what to do" she said as warren smiled as he pulled her into a hug and smiled "it's going to be okay" he said as she nodded.


Later that day, warren was looking after autumn as Briana went out with Kennedy. She was still worried over her brother even though warren promised that it would be okay "are you okay?" Kennedy asked as Briana sighed and looked to her "I don't know, my head is a mess and I'm worried, and I think that warren is cheating on me" Briana said as Kennedy looked to her and frowned "how come? He loves you" Kennedy asked as Brianna sighed.

"I don't know, it's just a feeling and sienna is around sniffing around him, I don't like he feeling I get and I feel as if he would be happier with her then with the eighteen year old he got pregnant" briana said as Kennedy looked to her and smiled "your talking rubbish, if you seen the way he looked at you, you wouldn't question it at all. He loves you and sienna is just a crazy cow" Kennedy said as Briana looked to her and chuckled. She hoped she was right as the last thing that she wanted was to loose warren, he was her rock.

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