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Briana knew that she couldn't help but think that Warren was keeping something from her. She was worried that things were changing between them.

They had a child together. And Briana wanted to make it work. She just didn't know what was going on with them. She felt like he was up to something.

It was tense between them. And she hated it. Their daughter had been picking up on the tension between them. And it wasn't good. Briana had always wanted their daughter to not know what was going on with them.

She wanted her little girl to have a life where she was happy all the time. And she wasn't happy. She had been acting up in nursery. And biting others.

She knew it wasn't like her. She needed to talk to Warren. So they could stop their tension and whatnot. She didn't want it to affect her daughter more than it already was.

She just had to talk to Warren. And make him see sense.

All she knew was that Autumn came first. And it needed to be that way.

Morning came and she found herself in bed with Warren. They'd just had sex. But Briana felt like it was different. It wasn't how they used to be.

Briana looked to Warren and sighed. "Look. I don't know what's going on. But this tension between us, it isn't good. It's affecting our daughter. And I don't want that for her."

Warren sighed. "You're assuming that it's me. I haven't done anything. You don't trust me at all," he said.

"I never said that babe. I do trust you. I just don't know what's going on with us. Please. Talk to me," she said.

"I don't need to talk to you. I'm doing what I can to make our family work out. If you can't see that, you can't see much," Warren spat as he climbed out of bed.

Briana said nothing as he stormed out the flat. Not knowing what to do anymore.

Briana met with Kennedy. She had taken Autumn to Nursery. She smiled as she looked to her sister. "Hey. Have you talked to Patrick?" She asked.

Kennedy shook her head and sighed. "Nope. I just... I can't go there. Too much hassle. And he's with Maxine," she said.

"I wish I had it that simple. I don't know what's going on with me and Warren. We had an argument and he stormed out. I only told him that we needed to stop the tension as Autumn was picking up on it," she told her.

Kennedy smiled. "Must be something in the air. Look, you just have to somehow think of it like this... all you do, is for your daughter," she said.

"I know. It just doesn't seem like Warren thinks it's worth it."

Briana returned to the flat after she had picked up Autumn from nursery. Warren was meant to. But he hadn't. She saw him sitting on the sofa. He was drunk. "Baby, go play in your room."

Autumn toddled off. Briana turned to Warren. "What the actual hell? You were supposed to pick her up. You let me down. I was an hour late!"

"Don't yell at me you bitch."

"Get out Warren. Get out before I kill you!" Briana yelled.

Warren said nothing as he grabbed his jacket and left. Briana sat there and sobbed. But was there more to warrens change then what she thought?

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